
Nov 04, 2008 20:14

So Saturday morning I walked among the McCaininators, a bluish person in a red sea. ...All right, so drama aside it was an interesting little event. Definitely some interesting characters to see, from well dressed men in peacoats to folksy women with buttons to guys with huge beards. And I mean huge beards. These things could have eaten you.

There were lots of police around (obviously) but no one checked the tickets we'd been told to print off of the Republican website. Utterly useless.

I almost didn't make it long enough to hear McCain speak. Since I'd shown up at a fashionably normal time I was relegated to "standing room" among some... colorful people (though not racially, lemme tell ya). Take into account that it's cold, I want breakfast, and there're like six speakers before McCain and I don't like the message any of 'em have to offer. In short, the decision to stick it out was a difficult one, but I did. ...Not for all of McCain's speech, but long enough to take some pics and a small video. Then I left to get coffee.

So let's cut to the chase:

Looks better filled out, don't it?


This was weird. One of the speakers had us all bow our heads in prayer for McCain's victory. One other girl kept her head up, and we just exchanged amused looks.

There he is! My apologies for not having a tele-focus lens. But he's there.

I was also able to take a short video clip:

image Click to view

[My ultimate take from the speeches]

Fun note: as I left I got an Obama/Biden sticker from two members of our campus' Democratic group who were out with signs next to the McCain merchandisers. XD

...And now I return to chewing my nails in election-fever anticipation.

school, politics, photos

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