Feb 26, 2008 16:24
I suppose its about time for a proper entry but I can never really be bothered writing that much so we'll see how it goes! Hmm, what's going on with me? Well, rather scarily I've only got about two weeks of classes left at uni...EVER. Quite a thought. My dissertation is now in its final stages, I've got a couple of essays still left, and then it'll be time for - gasp - finals! And then...graduation! And then I'll be out in the real world so its probably best not to look any further ahead than that apart to mention that hopefully I'll get some holidays in before looking for one of those things called a job :p (Note- have to visit careers advisor soon, eek)
So recently I have been doing a lot of uni work whilst still finding time for the obligatory nights out etc of course...ah, good times :) It saddens me that in a few months my student card will be invalid so I'll have to hope the bouncers won't notice that important detail so I don't need to pay full price. Although I have somewhat of a love/hate relationship with bouncers these days...in some places they seem to recognise so let me in without IDing - "I've seen your card about a million times!" (not sure what that says about me) whilst in others..oh, the rage of being told "Not tonight girls.."
Haha anyway, what else...music! Haven't been to a gig in ages, not since Klaxons in November. Sad times! After exams I think some should be pencilled in. I'd quite like to go to another festival actually, hmm...Ooh, I love that 'Great DJ' song by the Ting Tings, tis uber catchy! Also loving some other random songs...'Just for tonight' by One Night Only, and We Are Scientists' new one as well :)
However, there's nothing good on TV these days, what's going on?! Lots of films I want to see though, there often is yet I usually end up not seeing lots of them, such is life :p
Haha, actaully managed quite a long post here, perhaps due to the very strong 85p coffee I've just consumed, and now its nearly time for my creative writing class with the cute tutor, woo ;)