Mar 08, 2008 09:24
After two injuries that kept me from doing my PT test 100% and due to the limitations at those times which results in two failures and a referral tag on my last evaluation performance report in Jan, I finally passed the test this week doing all that was required and no injuries! Funny thing was the waist measurement they had me at earlier in the week would've screwed me over with just half an inch over where I needed to be. So after the test on thursday they told me to get on a cardio machine and see if I can sweat that off. 25 min on a stationary bike and 15 min in the sauna later I got rid of a full inch which easily put me over the score needed to pass.
Now, the consequences of not passing the third time around would've kept me from re-enlisting in June. Plus I'd be heading home looking for a full time job (probably with the Postal Service since I wouldn't lose my government time) and finish up the bachelor's on the side. If some of you didn't catch on real quick that would've meant any vacation plans I had with a lot of you for this summer would've been cancelled on my end. To some this would like I don't have my priorities straight. Yes I do, I'm not letting 10 years of a career go down the toilet due to minor injuries and stupid higher ups trying to make us look like tooth picks so we can run faster (that's the biggest complaint right now amongst us on people who can pass the PT test with very little effort and they're not in the best of shape in a lot of cases). Would I have been mad if I had to get out and miss out on plans that were a year in advanced? Hell yes!! I hate it when I miss out on stuff due to some idiotic crap. Happened once to me and when a bunch of us looked back on it we all agreed I was screwed over. Not happening again.
Last year was a different story of me missing out on a couple of cons. I had to go overseas, no getting around that. I can deal with things like that. The big plus of deployments is the extra pay and stuff we can come back with. :D Just hope nothing bad happens to where I have to start shooting at things.
I just have one obstacle to get over before the re-enlistment in June. Get a new eval written on me to negate the one in Jan. I have to be on my supervisor's ass so we can turn in one mid-April to our squadron command staff to be looked over and make corrections so we can make the mid-May deadline. This will give us 30 day cushions on any delays or hiccups. Plus we can put a high priority on this since my career's technically on the line. My 1st sergeant will definitely help make this happen since he was there with me getting all the facts after I did the PT test. :D This won't be difficult, just got to deal with time being short. Not to mention you have to have 120 days from the last report being submitted to making a new one. We barely missed the mark!
So once this is all done I can finish up getting all my new uniform stuff I'm short on around July/August (boots, green socks, three more uniform sets, and all weather jacket), collect my final yearly bonus when I last re-enlisted, and KEEP MY CHUNKY BUTT IN SHAPE SO I WON'T GO THROUGH THIS CRAP EVER AGAIN!! **l**