Jun 17, 2008 21:01
Am 26 years old and I am totally falling apart, let me explain:
I have ADD and ADHD, I have aniexty/Depression and take Iron pills because I don't eat right. No wonder I lose weight so quickly. D'uh!
Anywho, I've having problems with headaches such like Stobes and moving lights, been having some little seizures, so I finally get to the doctor and refers me to a neurogolist, which I go see Thursday and do the whole EEG Testing thing. I hope everything is fine but am just scared. If I do have it, more pills to take just to make me sane.
It worries me but my family has been very supportive! Just wanted to let everyone know what was up with me.
Sorry its not cosplay related but I just wanted to let my friends now, so that no one worries.