New Mexico, it's been fun

Sep 11, 2009 14:25

So, some of you know that I've been looking for a job in Chicago. If not, now you do :)

I've accepted a job with Backstop Solutions Group as a Senior System Admin. I'm really excited about it, though moving to Chicago is a little daunting (ok, the winter is daunting. atomic_umber suggests "scary", not daunting, for this. Not for the move in general). Everything's going to happen kind of fast, because my start date there is September 28th. I would have posted this last week, but I've been in Chicago helping atomic_umber get ready for her trip to Kenya since last Saturday.

So, who wants to hang out in Albuquerque the week before that? I'm going to fly out Saturday or Sunday (the 26th or 27th), not sure yet. Movers will come pick up my stuff the week before that. I'm leaving my car in New Mexico for a while while I figure out what I'm doing with it (namely, sell or take with, leaning towards sell). If you're further north and want to do something, well, let me know about that too.

I'm sure I've forgotten something here. It's late, and we're frantically doing last minute stuff :)

Due to the work situation and my family, I'm sure I'll be back at least every 3 months, probably more so. During those times I'll try to be more prompt about posting something so I can see my friends.
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