Zeitgeist: Ноябрь 2016

Nov 19, 2016 00:48

Краткая история вечера профессора Николса (я уже писал о нём ранее) - из его Твиттер-ленты:

"A spirited conversation in a restaurant tonight with a Trump voter when he saw me on the television at the bar as I sat nearby. He said "Last three presidents, not one did the right thing." I said: "What's the right thing?" He said: "What's good for the country." I said: "What do you want him to do?" He said: "He's gotta do what's right." That's as far as I could get. I asked if he was concerned. He said: "Well, I hope the guy who campaigned isn't the guy who's going to be president. I hope he changes now." This was an obviously intelligent, older white guy and his wife. Both seemed nice enough. Well dressed, expensive place. I asked if men change at 70. He said. "No, I guess not. But none of them are ever any good anyway." And that was that. An older, obviously well-off man reaches the conclusion that all presidents have always sucked. Even though he seemed, you know, fine."

Стоит повторить слова Бисмарка, для утешения: "Gott habe eine besondere Vorsehung für Idioten, Betrunkene und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika."
Wir glauben noch an Sie, Kanzler...

воспоминания, американцы, presidential race 2016, Америка

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