Every song I hear was written just for you and for me.

Oct 15, 2004 23:09

So I guess I should tell you all how my weekend went!
In one word... amazing.
In more than one word, super, fabulous, magnificant, formidable, et cetera.
Oh so you want deatils? Because apparantly that's all anyone has wanted since I got back! Details! What do you want me to do? Say we had mad passionate sex in the movie theater while no one was looking? 'Cos that didn't happen. Sorry guys for boring you.
What we did do was... well I can go in chronological order because that makes things easier for me. ^_^
So Saturday I had to be there at around noon and some alumni was there which was happy ^_^... unfortunately I felt like crappPPPpPpPpPP. So we rehearsed and... whatever... and then we left. And we had so much fun on the ride there because Matt brought the speakers to attach to his Discman so we all could listen to the music, and we listened to a bunch of good stuff, like Motion City, and The Used, and Taking Back Sunday, and Emery and Fall Out Boy, and whatnot. And me, Kerrie, Matt, and Mark were just going crazy, hahaa. It was fun. Then when we got to the park, I was SLIGHTLY freaking (haha, slightly) because there wasn't any bathrooms. And of course like 10 minutes after my freak out session, Rob comes over and says, "If anyone needs to use the bathroom, it's right over there behind the pit truck." So of course I run, all happy again, towards the bathrooms, and all was well. The most fun was waring up... or whatEVER you wanna call it! Since all the pit stuff was packed, ready for us to bring it onto the field, and we didn't have time to unpack it and pack it again, we grabbed a bunch of mallets/drumsticks and warmed up on the trailer. We played eight on a hand, one more time, and everything else, and then we played our show, as best we could, with just a trailer! It was so much fun, as everyone was passing there were staring, wondering what the hell we were doing, and we were all in really good moods. Then after we were done warming up, we had to wait for the band, so we sat around on the trailer telling jokes in honor of James. God how I miss last year! It seemed like so much more fun. But then it was time to go, and so we went, and the show was AMAZINGGGGGGG. So after we got off the field, everyone knew we did awesomely, and we were squealing and screaming and hugging and kissing everyone (or maybe that was just me. Whatever.) It was so exciting. But I had to leave right aterward for upstate, of course. So I was waiting for the call from them to tell me and Lindsay the score. Finally I got one, and guess what!! FIRST FUCKIN' PLACE BABAYYYYY! The best part? We beat Brentwood! We got an 83.5... and they got an 83.4 Insannnnne. One-tenth of a friggin' point. I was so happy, I was screaming and yelling in the car. It was very exciting. We deserved it.
So Saturday night I went to the hotel with my mommy, and we unpacked all our shtuff, and ate a lot of junk food, and we watched the movie Terminal with Tom Hanks, and it was actually pretty cute. Not terrible. So after that I went to bed... and set my alarm for 6 a.m. Haha.
Sunday morning, at 6 a.m., I woke up and showered. Then I went out and got breakfast from the lobby, and came back and finished getting ready (which of course took me forverrrrr because I'm a friggin' perfectionist). At around 8:20 we left the hotel, and then we realized that we forgot the wedding present! So we had to go back. Then when I was getting somethings I forgot someone (I say it was Lindsay, and she says it was me) was holding the door open, so the dogs got out and were just running around the hotel. And my stupid sister is just sitting there saying "OhMyGod Alecia the dogs are out, what do we do?" Uhh... go get them? And then I accidentally let the door close and we didn't have a key, so everything was a mess. We finally caught the dogs and my mom came with her key to open the door, but it was a pretty crazy few minutes.
So thennnn I went to Adam's. OhMyGod, his house is SO gorgeous! It's bigger than mine (as most are) and really pretty. It even has one of those fancy rooms that no one ever sits in. So when I got there he was still in the shower, and we he got out I practically attacked him (yes, he was clothed). He gave me the tour of the house, and his room is almost the same color as my room! Lime green, damn straight ^_^. So then I had to wait for him to get changed for the wedding and et cetera... and then we went to the wedding. It was a little intimidating meeting all those people because of course, I want them to like me, and who knows if they did, but they were all nice. And a little insane... but who's family isn't? The ceremony was outside though, where it was FREEEZZINGGGG, and the ceremony speech was pretty funny. "Love... is a circle." Who writes this stuff? I'm gunna write my own wedding vows, haha. So after that we went inside, and we sat at our table with Grant and his girlfriend, sister, and his sister's friend, Casson, and Adam's cousin Jerry. It was funny seeing Grant because It's been like what, a year and 2 months since I last time I saw him? But we were still as mean to each other as we were last time we saw each other. His girlfriend was really nice. But they didn't touch!!! Haha. Grant and his girlfriend just sat there, like at least a foot in between them the whole time. I don't think me and Adam could accomplish being a foot away from each other for even like, 5 minutes. It was just soo great seeing him... inbetween the ceremony and the food was a little boring because they played extremely bad music. But I don't even care. Just being with him, anywhere, anyway, is enough for me. We walked down to the lake (why are we always by water? haha) and well... we walked a lot of places, because it was too cold and too monotonous to stay in one place. After a while, the adults must've gotten a little... well... tipsy... becausre the DJ was playing cheesy dance songs and they were like all out dancing to them, which is so funny because some of them had no rhythm (like that stiff guy in the white shirt... hahaha.) But they tried to get us to dance, and I said no, and they dragged my chair out to the dance floor! It was kinda frightening. For the last hour or so of the reception, Casson and Evan entertained themselves by building things out of fruit and toothpicks... and I entertained myself by taking pictures of it. And then we were the last to leave. Like the VERY last, even after the bride and groom, and the DJ. So on the way home, Adam tells me we're going to the movies apparantly, so when we got home, we had tea (cuteIi know) and then got ready to go out... and he let me straighten his hair! It looked really cuuuute. Of course, he ALWAYS looks gorgeous. So we went to the movies, and I met Shana! And Rosen, and Pete, and Brooks, and a bunch of other people, it was so funny to put together what I imagined people looking like and what they really looked like. Sometimes it's the same and sometimes it's completely different. So we saw the movie The Forgotten. Which I thought was terrible, but then again I really didn't watch much of it, I was too busy rejecting every different flavor of jellybeans and being distracted by some majorly hot guy sitting next to me (I mean Adam). And Adam said Rosen liked me "too much" but I didn't think he did... I wasn't particularly nice to him... so I don't get it! Le sighhhh. Oh and Adam? High five? Ahem ahem? So after the movie, we went home and got ready for bed.. and we were... hanging out... in Adam's room.. ahem... bed... ahem. But then when his dad came in and said "I wonder what your mother would think, Alecia, if she knew you were hanging out in Adam's bed?" And then I thought he meant by that that he wanted me to get out, but instead I kicked Adam out, since it was my bed for the night anyway! And I was so mean, because everytime he tried to get close to me, I'd claim there was a one foot rule and he would get all mad. It was fun. But eventually I was nice and let him back under the blankets. And then we had to go to bed. -Frown-. so he left and I slept. And I woke up at 7. Whatthefuck, I never wake up at 7. So I just sat there and tried to think of things I could do to without waking up his entire family at 7 a.m. Eventually Adam came into his room, and laid down, and we just chilled. And then we got up, and wanted breakfast, so we made pancakes! It was fun. We established that I cannot flip pancakes for my life and neither can Adam, really, so he couldn't make fun of me. I can't crack an egg either, haha. So yes our pancakes were good. So then we watched the video of Casson's behind the scenes thing from drama club, and I got to see Adam's ex-girlfriend (mwahahahaha). She was a drama kid too. Then I showered and whatnot and we got ready because my mommy and my sister were coming over and then we were going apple picking (haha, I know I know.) So they came, and we went, and me and Adam picked SO many apples... hahahaha. We found a bench, let's just put it that way. And then when we realized it'd look a little suspicious of we came back with like 3 apples, we started picking them like crazy. So we came back and everyone was like, where were you two?! As if they actually expected us to like, makeout in the middle of an orchard. I mean come on, who does that? -Hehe.- So then after we got back to Adam's (oh and we went apple picking in Massachusetts, and it only took about 10-15 minutes to get there, that's house close he lives to Mass.) we had a bunch of food and I went through everything under his bed (The kid keeps EVERYTHING... like me) then it was time for me to go. -Frown.- It was so annoying though because when we finally wanted to say goodbye, we didn't have ANY alone time. It was insane. We couldn't get away from people!
Letting go of him is the only bad part of everytime I see him.
So I basically slept through the whole ride home. And then we got home, and I was alone in my bed, and not his, and I hated it. I still hate it.
For the next two days after I left I was sad, and I would just start crying randomly, like when my mom said something about Chatham being far away, I cried, and when she made me get off the computer when I was waiting for him, I cried. But I am happy. I just miss him.
Veteran's Day? I believe it is 27 or 28 days left now.
How come the days when I'm waiting for him always seem double the amount of time as the days I spend with him? That's not quite fair.

I will tell you about the rest of my week soon, but this weekend is so hectic, with homecoming and marching band and the PSATS, which are at 8 tomorrow morning. Damn, I gotta go to sleep.
Love, Alecia.
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