Summary, yo.

Oct 02, 2004 23:37

Well allright there's tons and tons to tell you from the last two weeks that I haven't updated. So I guess I'll just summarize it all because, hey, I'm really tired, and I'm sure you don't wanna read everything anyway.

Good Points in no particular order...
- 1st Competition (3rd Place)
- Second Competition (2nd Place) (LOREN CAME!!! Oh how I miss her.)
- Katie's Sweet 16 (The medevil outfits, glowstick jumprope/ limbo, we didn't leave the dance floor all night! XENA KISSED ME! "Mock"tails... they were definitely spiked... hahaha... wicked fun night)
- Sleepover at Catie's (hanging out before, dogpile to stay warm, WE'RE SUCH DORKS we fell asleep before 1, the awesome breakfast we made, planning out Thanksgiving- it's gonna be amazing, a turtle named Monkey- don't ask it was Mali... What more of a family do you need than right here?)
- Tonight competition (3rd Place, meeting tons of awesome new people from Brentwood, Malverne, Division Avenue, etc... see you all tomorrow morning, haha!)
- I'm generally quite happy because I have an amazing boyfriend, amazing friends, and everything is just so much fun.

Bad Points in no particular order...
- Not making callbacks (....grrrrr....)
- Not making Publicity Director... maybe next year
- Getting detention (!) for the first time for being late to my English class (such bullshit)
- A lot of random fights with my mom and family because everyone's so bitchy lately.
- Lots of homework and being really tired.

So in general the good outweighs the bad. Which is always good.

The next few weeks are going to be insane, with tomorrow being another competition (hope we do better), then next week drama, dance and rehearsal, then next weekend a competition and leaving RIGHT from it to drive upstate, staying upstate until Monday and hopefully seeing my Adam sometime in there, then the week after that more rehearsal dance and drama, then next weekend homecoming, then the show at The Downtown, and Kerrie's sleeping over!, and a competition on Sunday. And the weekend after that, Syracuse! Phewwwwww.

I love being busy. It guves me less time to think and if I think too much, things start revealing themselves, so I'd rather not think.
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