(no subject)

Sep 16, 2004 20:32

Wellll okay. The last 3 days...
Tuesday was school which was bleh and I don't really remember anything about it. But afterschool, Loren came over, and the first thing we did was call -hisnamehere- from the number we got off his away message which we got from his screename which I got from someone else's profile. I'm so so so so bad. Bu anyway we called him just to hear his voicemail and then we hung up... it was so funny and so stalker like. And Loren IMed him today which was so funny... "am I supposed to know who this is"... aww he's so sweet... DAMN YOU COME BACK... lololol. So after we called -hisnamehere- we chilled and watched a cute Christmas movie, then we ate some spaghetti and meatballs... well there was no meatballs for me except for the chunks THAT GOT INTO MY SAUCE... so I used vodka sauce... and that started us on a whole convo about alcohol. Hahahaa. And then me and Loren tried on some hawtttt clothes (lmao) and we walked up to Joe's and harassed him and read Stellaluna!!! "Hey Joe... ding dong... look out your window..." And then we came back and put on water for our tea, jumped on the trampoline and continued our long talk about life and friends and how much we missed being close with everyone... that's a discussion for another entry however. Then we came inside and drank our CHAIIIII and decided what colors to paint our future house together. I think we agreed upon a red bedroom and a pink bathroom but we've yet to come up with anything else. Then we drove her home and had a talk about her family and all with ym mom on the way there. And I haven't seen her since :'(.
So yesterday was boring school again, had a test in like every class. I think I did okay in most of them, and very good on my math test. Then last night I had MB again, and for the first like hour or so we were alone so we practiced a little and then had like a pow wow with Dave and his geetar and everything, it was fun. And then the battery came in and we actually played, a couple runthroughs and stuff. Then we broke again but never actually came back, dunno why. And yeah so it wasn't awful. He's just suchamajorasshole. It's not even funny anymore.
So today I had NO school... IN YOUR FACE ADAM... so I got up at like 11 and did nothing all day! I showered, then sat around watching Real World Road Rules Challenge The Inferno, chatting, downloading music and eating a whole lot. It was very nice. then my brother left with my dad at like 1 ish, and my mom got home at 5:30 ish, and she took my sister to dance. Then I got ready for dance and went at 7... it was SO fun! Me and Kerr totally owned the friggin combo, and our new teacher is so cool and not scary at all like I thought she would be... to quote Kerrie's a/m...
Auto response from DramaChica89: Miss V: Ok now move your right leg like you're getting on ur boyfriend's motorcycle.
Me and Lecia: Oh! I thought you were gunna say like you were getting on your boyfriend!!

:-P hip-hop is gunna rock

Hahaha... good times... so it was funnnnn and she's really cool and actually dances hiphop and knows the names of the moves and all instead of Jackie who just makes shite up. And we listen to good music. And the thing is, since there's 36 girls in our class and only 8 in the 8 oclock class and 9 in the 9 oclock class, they're gonna put both the 8 oclocks and the 9 oclocks in the 9oclock class and split our class into a higher level which will be at 8 and a lower level which will be at 7. And I'm pretty sure me, Kerrie, and Rae got into the 8oclock class because a.) we fucking OWNED the class and the combo, we did awesome, and b.) she asked for mine and Kerrie's name after class, and she had already written down Rachelle's, and at first I thought she was getting everyone's name, but then i realized she was only asking some people and not everyone. So yay! They'll probably be splitting up the classes next week or the week after that. I'm very excited about this year in dance.

So tomorrow I have no school again (haha Adammmm) and I'm going with my dad sometime in the afternoon, and maybe doing something Friday, but who knows. Then saturday I have rehearsal for the last time before our first comp, then on Sunday we hafta be at East at 8:45 for our first comp... SCORE... wish us luck! Who knows how we're gonna do... hope it doesn't rain...
So that's all for now... update on Sunday with the events of the weekend...
Later kiddos...<333
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