how can I possibly fix this? wish I had the patience to drop & roll dead &ALSO buy a greyhound ticket - destination? didn’t you read the signs bitch?!, this is the apocalypse express!!! give the driver a blowjob in exchange for promising me my own seat in the backrow. unfortunately, even if I ever did get this far & come this close, I know I’d be accidentally keeping me cell phone in my back pocket. the number of numbers I have collected seem to have skyrocketed to a level that even I must deem absurd& the only explanation for this is that really must want to fall back &out of that vehicle. i mean, aren’t the windows on all run down cars already kinda broken? some glass is better than others - that’s the first thing they teach you at the when you drive drunk at night into the local Home Depot. some glass is tinted so that the police can’t see you naked &wheezing &sniffing into a paper bag ASS UP searching for your insurance papers & a pair of cum stained calvins.
mentally &physically, I am nothing (or everything) but a black hole. .they crafted me a new eardrum & I awoke like some 21rst century lesbian frankstein. it was my second prosthetic hearing device!& fifth auditory surgical repair!(!!!). no matter what I do, the universe always has a way of getting back at me. try to change your system only to learn that there is something worse than an equal and opposite reaction. i should have listened in kindergarten when they taught us on after school specials “you gotta be careful when yr. playing with fate” “if yr. bad, god doesn’t just boomerang you back into place” it’s always something worse than that. he commends you to a series of catches &landmines in one big virtual (in)human hell. god(or gosh hah), i don’t even want to listen to myself, I’m such a little catholic school dyke. there’s gotta be a fetish about playing with god. he can fuck you over &over&over better than any one else i have yet to meet. the universe knows all the mighty ways to chain you up& slap your butt &you don’t even have to commit a legal crime worthy of dropping to soap.
so what’s my diAGNOIST doc?