Oct 01, 2005 18:14
two words: cowgirl-style!
well, yesterday was FUUUUN. it was my girlee marisela's birthday so we planned a surprise party [western-style] she had noooo idea. she was turning 21 so of course we had to go balls out, everything looked so pretty;) you could tell that she enjoyed it [or atleast i hope she did, cuz we busted our assez hah, nahh cuz we did it for her with a lot of love] i had so much fun, some more than otherz lol we found out a lot of things yesterday like: alma can hang, i grew a fear of heightz;), cynthia sweats lol over-all it was a lot of fun and it was worth the work. we took a lot of picz, and i can honestly say that last night made us grow closer together, like joel helped out a lot w/ the party he even cut the grass he knew that this party meant a lot to everyone and he did his best to help us [thanks baby!!] tonight should be fun as well;) * today i got to hang out w/ the guyz for a bit [joel, robert, richie] its funny cuz they have actual conversationz, i think guys have deeper conversationz than girls its weird lol, they're not all sportz,girlz&beer, [well kindaa] hah, jp. well that'z iiit