Jan 28, 2007 23:06
so i'm driving down Powhite Parkway Friday night at like 12:30/1 or something and it's an area I don't really know, I'm going in and out of tolls, and I have no idea what the speed limit is, nor am I paying attention to how fast I'm going considering I am paying so much attention to WHERE I'm going because I don't want to get lost and end up in West Virginia or something because that wouldn't be completely out of character for me. Anyway, as soon as I get through the third toll, and I mean AS SOON AS, I get pulled over by a mean ass cop who decides to give me a ticket. Rightfully so, since I was going 21 miles over the speed limit apparently. I understand I was breaking the law, sure, give me a ticket. That in itself sucks, but to top it off, since it was reckless i HAVE to go to court, and the court date just so happens to be right smack dab in the middle of Spring Break. So no spring break for me. Yep, the year I actually plan on doing something fun and going somewhere with my friends and doing the whole college spring break thing or at least going to spend some time with my parents in SC since I haven't seen them in months, I have to go to court instead. And at the least, I'm probably going to have to pay a crazy amount of money for it all. It just all sucks.
yeah, i get it. i shouldn't speed. blah blah blah.