Dec 08, 2003 23:36
i am getting worried. i haven't talked to matt since wed. i hope he is alright. i hope his uncle is alright. i have been praying for his uncle every night.
well i work a lot this week tues, wed, fri, and sat from 6-11:45pm it is nice that i am getting more hours in. on my next check i will have 58 hours in. Yeah me! money for my trip and to save for my sister-in-law's wedding to my brother. she wants matt to be there because she knows that matt is a really good friend of mine and adams. yeah and then a week after is my grad party.
this school year is going by fast only 17 more school days until the 2nd semester. it is going way to fast. but i can't wait.
only 17 more days until i leave to go see matt. i was going to stay until the 3rd but the bus dosen't leave to go home until the 4th so i will get to spend an extra day with matt. sweet!
i hope matt will be on tonight. i do miss talking to him very much.
when i grad i want to visit Ireland for like 2 weeks. i do miss it. when i was there for the choir trip i felt like i was home. my family came from there my first middle and my grandfathers last name all come from Ireland. Jennifer, Joyce, and Dailey or Dalay (irish spelling). i wish i was there right now. i love it there and one of these days i want to live there. i am going to save for the trip there. all i need is someone to go with me. i wouldn't want to go alone. i really miss ireland. when we were at a production they spoke gaelic. and after 30 min i under stood what they were saying. it is such a pretty language.