Apr 22, 2005 22:58

IDK..I'm just bored so I'm gonna do some shout*outz!!


Michelle H.: LUL gurl!!....your obsessed with Stephen!!....we need tu start hanging on weekends tu!! me!!!

Rachel D: OMG....that sucks that yur parents took off AIM!!! We rlly need tu start haning out way more than we do!!....yur so awsome!!! LUL!!!!

Jordyn P: I miss yu so much!!! we rlly need tu hang...We've never even been tu eachother's house!! thats sad!!!! LUL...and call me sometime!!!!

Danielle C: yur so tite!!....we rlly need tu start hanging out...I'm glad I met yu this year!!....I know yu always got my back!! LUL!!

Amanda A: Hey.....yur tite....I know I dont rlly call yu....but I only have yur # in my planner...and yu all know that I dont take my stuff home!!!!

Jerica K: yur kool.....we donty rlly hang out tho....we have tu start!!! me sometime!!!

Jessica B: hey....god...yur never at school ne call me sometime and we can do something!!!!....srry for missing your birthday party=-(!!!

Courtney K: hey...your tite...we need tu hang out sometime!!!....lul

Amber M: hey...yur so funny....maybe we can hang out next weekend or something...I'm kind of busy this weekend.....lul!!!

Melinda Z: yu and Alex make a cute couple....I hope yu last!!!.....lul

Kristin O: hey...yur tite...I'm glad we've been friends for such a long time.....bffe...lul

Brooke N: yur kool...we hang but not as much....deff need tu start!!...lulas

Chelsea B: OMG....I couldnt belive that hooker we saw!!!....I cant believe shes wanted in 3 different states either!!!Thats sad and wrong!!!!....we had so many fun times together....I rlly miss Tyler tho....

Danelle: I'm glad we're friends now...atleast....i hope we need tu start hanging out...lul!!!

Jen: yu are so kool!!...yur so much fun tu hang with in Gym...and I have alot of memoreies...SPANK SPANK is one...LoL...and me falling...but thats nothing unusual...LoL.....i still have that bruise on my head!!!LUL

Edith I: hey.....we need tu hang out way that we're on different teams we dont hang out!!!.....hopefully we're on the same team next year!!!lul

Elyse H: hey...I'm glad I met yu this year!!....yur so kool!!....hopeflly we get tu hang out soon!! LULAS

Meghan B: hey...I'm glad we're friends!!....we need tu hang out more too!!....lul....!!

Kayla H: hey...I'm glad yu like my borther...LoL....not rlly thats just wrong!!!!....he is so...egh!!......I think he's such a geek!!....yu would be better off with Napolean Dynamite!! LoL...just playin

Katelyn D: yu and Bella are my two most favoriter cousins!!....yu are so flexible....that was just wrong when yu did that hing on yur coush with yur feet going past yur head!!!...egh....lul.....

Shay M: hey...yur awsome....we need tu hang more...!!....lul!!....i think of the same memories with yu as i do with jen in gym...LoL....SPANK SPANK

Libby H: god..yu make me so mad that yu go tu a different school!!!...lul....atleast yu still live by me!!!!...LUL

Brittney D: hey...I cant believe that yu dont like tyler!!!...aghh....he is so hott...I MISS HIM SO MUCH!!!....lul..I'm glad i met yu this year!!!

Ashley B: hey..yur awsome...gotta hang some time....LUL

Carolanne: hey....yur my mall bytch...LoL...yur so much fun tyu hang with.....that was hilarious today in Target!!!...U KNOW IT...(hint)...LoL....LUL!!!

Tori M: hey...I'm glad we're friends again!!!.....we need tu hang sometime!!!...LUL

Monique: hey...yur so kool!!...we rlly need tu start hanging!!!......LUL....i'm glad I met yu this year!!!!

Sam C: hey....I miss yu so much!!!...yu never call me...I rlly wanna say hi tu yu...yu need tu go tu handy....I rlly miss yu!!!!

Allie S: hey...I'm glad we still hang out!!!...yu are 1 of my best friends!!!!!....LUL!!!....

Kat: hey...yur so kool!!....we need tu hang sometime!!...we can go bungie jumping!!! LoL....LUL

Miranda and Melissa: hey yu guys are the best!!....we all gotta hang sometime...I know yu both got my back no matter what!!!...Luv yu guys!!!.......

there's more...if yu wanna be in here just comment or IM me and I'll put yu in it.....I'll do boiz hand hjrts so bad rite now!!!!!

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