crazy stuff

Jun 19, 2007 22:24

well its been like forever since i've updated so here goes nothing. I've been in one of these moods where it is like all i want to do is cry, not really sure why but its just how it is i guess. For one my birthday was yesterday and it was alright, i hate my birthday just for the fact that i always end up feeling like shit at the end of the day for some reason or another. School is going good, work is going good. We just got a new girl and she is awesome, so now it gives me someone to talk to most of the time to pass sometime, not to mention the other people i work with are friken awesome too. I love my new friends that i made at college too, awesome awesome times, and i've come to the conclusion that i am slowly but surely finding out who my real friends are and i am so thankful for them but fuck all of you that are fake bitches, thank you. I just feel like things are kinda crazy right now. John and I are still doing good, together for 2 years coming up on the 22nd, but i hate even thinking about saying how long we've been together for like its a good thing, because it seems like it doesn't matter how long you have been with someone that at any moment it might end. The star Chevrolet, nissan, Volvo dealer in greensburg offered me a car but i am declining it due to the fact that i am paying for school myself and at this point in time i'm not getting into anymore money then i am already in. There is so much on my mind thats why i'm being so random, but i don't even wanna type all of it on here, what i really need is a good shoulder to cry on and let it all out on but that seems to be something that just doesn't happen anymore. Maybe i'll post back later, or maybe i won't lol who the hell knows anymore.
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