(no subject)

Mar 29, 2006 17:17


How old were you?: 16

I haven't done one of these in a LONG time so yeah, read it BITCHES

What school year were you in?: 10th grade

What school did you go to? Jefferson

Where did you work?: McDonalds

Where did you live?: Newport
Where did you hang out: Dennys, My house, psyc wards, juvy, lol

How was your hair style? same now just brown.. well, blonde too, and red once

Did you wear braces? no

Did you wear glasses: no

Who was your best friend: chelsea

Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?: depends, lol

Who was your celebrity crush?: who cares

Who was your regular-person crush?: ur mom

How many tattoos did you have?: none

How Many piercings did you have?: 0

What was your favorite band/artist?: weezer

What was your worst fear?: losing someone i love

Had you driven yet?: yup

Had you been to a real party yet?: yeah

Had your heart been broken?: no


How old are you? 19

Where do you go to school?: Monroe

Where do you live? Newport

Where do you hang out?: My house, Paige's, Seans, Tiffanys

How is your hair style?: blonde

Do you have braces?: no

Do you wear glasses?: if i fee like it

Who is your best friend? : Chelsea, Paige, and Sean

Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend: Sean

Who is your celebrity crush?: who cars

Who is your regular-person crush?: Jeffree Star

How many tattoos do you have?:nope

How many piercings do you have?: 0

What is your favorite band/group: weezer

What is your biggest fear?: losing someone i love....failing...

Have you driven yet?: Yup

Do you work?: Tiffanys

Have you been to a real party yet? yup

Has your heart been broken? yes
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