May 09, 2004 20:48
ugh I hate my dad so much.MY whole weekend was going great until I found out that my dad threw away all my horse ribbons with out asking me.He always is throwin everyones crap away he never throws his shit away its always everyone elses and he always makes up these bull shit excuses that someday someone is going to find his crap and look back and think of the old times. I can't stand him. He throws away my moms crap to but she doesnt care as much as I do.And he wonders why I hate him. Well anyways Gallo didnt do to bad at the horse show especailly since he was competing against show horses. He got 2 thirds and a 4. I love him he is the best! MY parents are leaving tomorrow tear tear. I wonder if they will miss me as much as I will miss them. I can't the house to myself well sorta this lady is staying at my house but it still will be cool. ugh testing tomorrow grrrrr.......