This Week Is pretty Damn Good so Far

Jan 18, 2006 00:01

Ok Here are my events for the week:
Monday: Hung out with David and went to Media play. Got 5 cds on sale.
1) Hefty Fines- Bloodhound Gang
2) Wasting Time- MEST
3) Conversations- Roses are Red
4) Nothing is More- Go Betty Go
5) Vheissu- Thrice
Then I got to talk to Mike some more and I miss him. He's my bitch and my baby's DBD (Dead Beat Dad) But I love him.

Tuesday: SAW JENNA!!!!!! (That was my main Happy Point cause I haven't seen her)

Wednesday: JENNA IS COMING OVER!!!!! *Does a Happy Dance*

Thursday: Going to Rosie's place for teh FIRST Time!!!!

Friday: ......... Well we'll see when we get closer to the day haha

If I forgot to mention I am going to concerts in Feb and March and hopefully in April.
In Feb I'm going to The Starting Line ♥
March 10th I'm gonna see the 69 Eyes ♥
and on March 11th I'll be at TOC. So I am gonna be dead haha.
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