Jun 30, 2004 22:02
i haven't writen in here for like, a really longgg time . . . so i have a lot to write about.
1.) SCHOOL IS OUT! omg i love summer sooo much! i finished 2 books in 24 hours. 3:00 yesterday to 3:00 today! thats really sad if u ask me...lol
2.) my campout thing with emma and grace was so fun! haha we had fun playing game cube! then that 3 peron game...then OMG - who you guys like is hilairious! i mean not funny who it is cause he's so nice n adorable but funny for a different reason *lol emma*
3.) my summer soccer team has had 4 games so far (but ive only been to 2) they won all of them like 6-0 pretty much more or less at some games...in the middle of the game the other coach told the girl to "get number 12!" (im number 12)- then the tiny little girl walked up to me and said, "dont worry, im only 11." i felt like saying, "ok im not worrying..." but i just said, "ok." then later on in the game i kicked the ball into her face!! i didn't try to but it was kinda funny. . . =)
4.) im kinda bored lately - i guess its a good thing that im going to LBI all next week with my little cousins...i won't be bored there! my one cousin is 2 and runs all over and my other cousin is almost 6 and has an attitude already! i love 'em to death though! =)
5.) that means i won't see bridget for an entire week! so i have to do something with her before saturday morning! maybe a sleepover =) actually, we did go to the movies and we saw some people who needed to buy a certain shirt (OK...we saw A LOT of people who needed to buy that shirt!) lol bridget
well i really cant wait till camp, bridget! so far my summer has been pretty good! =) i hope it stays that way!
wow i wrote a lot! g2g ~ kristen