(no subject)

May 10, 2009 23:06

They stopped in front of her door, as was traditional. Somehow she'd known he wouldn't come in on the first date.

But, you know. That was fine. They'd had a good first date, probably the best first date she'd had in a hell of a long time. If ever. Simple, nice. Great food; she'd have to remember that place. They'd managed to get to talking, too, instead of just sitting there awkwardly half-smiling at each other and half looking away and blushing. Managed to get past the whole first stage where they both started talking at once and fell over each other trying to let the other one go first.

It was cute. It was adorable, and it made her laugh. She hadn't felt this relaxed in a long time, and it felt good.

And now they were stopped in front of her door, with the usual I had a good time conversation, inane and safe. They'd spent a lot of time on safe in the past couple hours. Safe, but fun. Peaceful. Nice.

"So..." she said slowly, venturing a little bit outside of the realm of safe but she was curious. "So, just... tell me one thing. Why did it take you so damn long to ask me out?"

He did blush, at that, and looked down. Her fingers curled around his a little, just to be sure that he didn't take it as some kind of slight or threat. She was just curious. It wasn't a rejection, it wasn't a way of saying he'd taken too long.

"I was nervous," he shrugged, still looking down but she watched his lips curve up into a bit of a smile. He had the absolute cutest smile ever. It made his eyes light up, made her want to smile back for him. "I wasn't sure... I mean..."

"You thought I'd say no."

"Well. Yeah."

Her fingers curled a little tighter around his as she both tugged him closer and stepped into him, not really thinking about it. Reflexive action. "You're such a..." she stopped herself just in time. No, Pam, don't call the adorably nervous man a dork. "... goofball." Which made him blush, and proved her point. "I mean, I sent out enough signals. I thought..."

Which made him blush further, possibly because he hadn't noticed. Or even if he had noticed he hadn't been sure. Or even if he'd known and been sure he hadn't been sure of himself enough to... oh hell with it.

"I wasn't..."

"It's okay..."

And they were talking at the same time. Again. Pam covered his mouth with her hand so she could get the words out because if she didn't, she was half convinced there would be no more repeats of this. "It's okay. I mean... This. I had fun. I liked this." Way to go, Pam. "Just don't take so long on the second date, 'kay?" She dropped her hand, grinning.

"'kay," he grinned back. And then they were stuck, holding hands, grinning goofily at each other in front of her door.

They didn't quite crack foreheads, but there was definitely some bumping of noses going on. They moved in at the same time again, this time stopped by the quiet giggling and mutual shyness. Awkwardness. She wasn't shy, she was just a little bit awkward from being rusty at never having dated on god he really was right there, wasn't he. She could feel the heat of his breath.

They kissed. It was that simple. And it wasn't simple at all, really. It started out when she didn't expect it and it was soft and shy and her heart was beating a mile a minute and she had to breathe. Except she was breathing. She could taste his breath and his arms were warm and tight around her and she was definitely dizzy. And they were still kissing. And they had been kissing and she hadn't committed it to memory and this was one first kiss she never. Ever. wanted. to....

She could breathe again. He had gorgeous eyes. They didn't leap apart, they didn't even really separate, just sort of stood there for a moment clinging to each other as though they both were afraid to let go of the emotions they'd found themselves overflowing with in the midst of strange coincidences and morbid cases. She'd never expected to find this. Not at work. Not with him. And she didn't want to let him go.

"See you at work," she heard herself saying, but she didn't let him go.

Cas nodded slightly, pink cheeks, bright blue eyes. Bright smile. "See you..."

Pam made herself let go because if she didn't she was going to drag him inside and induce a make-out session that would leave them both with bruised lips and gasping for breath. She backed up a step or two against the door, one hand fumbling at the knob. Watching, grinning, as he sort of backed up as well and waves and until he was out of sight. And then, finally, she could go in and do her little dance of jumping up and down in a circle and punching the air in victory. "YES!"

verse: detective

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