Aug 13, 2003 08:26
damn...why do I get up so early? there a point to this? haha ....OK! So yet another day of getting up early, but I guess I should get use to it because when college starts back up, I'll be getting up at 5:30 for my run, gym and drive to class each morning =) It's better to just get everything done and out of the way in the morning. Anyways, I'm leaving for the gym in a little bit and then I have to go baby-sit my friends little sister/brother b/c she has an interview this morning to get a job, she should only be gone an hour or two. Her parents are out of town so during the day she has to watch them then at night she has one of us (her friends) watch them when she works @ this local resturant. Anyways - so that's my morning ....that and I'm going to the mall *WoOt WOoT* . . uh huh . . . Nat's gonna come pick me up round 1ish and we're gonna head off....her car is in the shop getting the window fix cuz the mother won't go down!!!!! Soooooo she has a rental red mini van car . . that's right...we're gonna ROCK out the mini VAN! BUST A CAP...haha...oh lordy!
Tonight Mikey is commin home soooo I'm sooooooooo EXCITED! I'm suppose to go pick him up from the air port round 8ish but I have to work =/ and I TRIED getting someone to cover for me and asking muh manager but they really need me and I can't find anyone else so I'm gonna have to work...I told Mikey and he said it was alright and didn't sound pissed or anything which makes it easier on me! It's okay, it's just a ride! I'll see him tonight!! *hehe* I'm SOOOO EXCITED....I guess some of the guys he was with in the hotel were razzin him bout me. He had to share a room with one of his co-workers and then two more on each side of his room (in the other rooms)...and I would talke to him for bout 20-30 minutes each night he was gone before he went to bed cuz it's long distance like that and he can't spend more than that with me on da he'd be laying there I guess talking and they'd be like AWWWW MIKEY WIKEY UR SO CUTTTTTE...lmao.....I feel bad cuz I made him tell me a bed time story on the phone....lmao....I guess 1/2 way through it he took the phone and sat out in the hallway to tell me the rest cuz the guys were laughin! That's ok....they do the same stuff w/ their girlfriends so they're just givin him ahard's cuuuuuuute! :) He's all like whispering "i love you"...haha nd all this cutesy stuff in the phone so the guys don't hear...and I'm i can't hear you...haha so he shouts I LOVE YOU! =) yaaaa he's a cutie . . anyways I best be going . . so peace!