Jul 03, 2004 12:03
Let me see...where shall I begin? Tomorrow is the 4th of July..I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow. Maybe my daughter will stop being so stubborn and go ahead and come on out. Then again I'm probably wishing and hoping a bit too much. If I don't update tomorrow I just wanna wish everyone a very happy 4th of July. Make sure y'all go and watch the fireworks! OMG! I just figured it out...if Anthony and I go down to the Landing to watch the fireworks maybe when they start going off and making them loud booming noises it'll send me into labor. LMAO. I'd be so freaking happy you'd have NO idea..Actually..Maybe you would. lol. My boyfriend was up mad early this morning and then suddenly took his ass back to bed. He needs the rest though he works way too much and way too hard. I can't believe that July has finally made it around the corner. It feels like I've been pregnant forever though! I mean gosh. Before it was going all fast and shit and then when I got into my last trimester it felt lilke I've been this way for the longest time ever! Anyways, all is well. I just can't wait to see her face!
Now, let's talk about somethings that I learned yesterday...
‡ You never know who your true friends are until something happens and they're there for you. Whether it be sticking up for you or just being there for a shoulder to cry on or someone who just comforts you and hears you out.
‡ There's a lot of racist fucks out there who sit there and think that it's alright to talk about people who date interracially and that are having biracial children.
‡ I've learned that when it comes to my baby girl and someone says something about her that I don't appreciate I am going to go off on your ass and not give a fuck who you are.
‡ I found out who my true friends are and I'm very appreciative of what they did for me yesterday. Thank you guys! You know who you are! *mwuah!*
Now for those of you who have absolutely no idea why I wrote the things I did above, I'm going to go ahead and share them with you..
º Lastnight I went into a chatroom with my friends where we all meet up and have been meeting up for the past oh say 4 years to go ahead and have a nice chat..As soon as the room gets filled two people had the nerve to start saying shit about my daughter and my boyfriend..I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't.
º One of the comments made were that my boyfriends a monkey and that my daughter is just a mixed breed.
º Another one was that my boyfriend can't take care of me and that I'm just a 'monkey' lover. That really, really pissed me off..
º Another one that really sort of hurt me in a deep way was when someone came out and said maybe I'll lose this child like I did my last one..
I really don't see how people can be so fucking cruel like that! I guess in a way it's due to jealousy, but still, leave my daughter and my boyfriend out of petty shit like that. If you wanna say something about me, go ahead and talk shit about me all you want too, but when it comes down to my family, especially my daughter don't say shit, because if I find out where you live, I will kill a bitch in a hot second. All this is coming from a cracked up excheerleader and an alcoholic. I know I shouldn't of listened to it and ignored it, but how the fuck can one ignore half the comments they made up there? I mean they make it like my baby did something wrong or something. As if she suddenly climbed out of the womb and walked up to their houses and pulled guns out on them or some shit. I mean wtf is wrong with people today? It's fucking 2004 get the fuck over yourselves! If you don't like someone that's fine, but don't fucking bring their child into it motherfuckers. Ugh. I think I better end this here before I start going on and on and on and on. I'll write back later today when I'm pretty calm. Take care everyone!
♥ , Kimberly M.