
Jun 22, 2004 21:36

First off let me go ahead and update everyone on my doctors appointment and then I'll go on about what I was going to write about. Anyways, I had a doctors appointment yesterday (monday) and the doctor told me I was 3cm dialated and if I don't start dialating quicker they may induce me. They're just waiting to see what happens. I had another ultrasound, well it's not really an ultrasound it's bpp which is when they check the babys breathing, fetal tone, movement and the aminiotic fluid. You do get to see your baby on the screen so it's like an ultrasound to be honest. Anyways, she did her breathing and everything else..She curled her toes, wiggled her fingers, seriously held up two fingers giving the peace sign, sucked on her thumb, bounced her head and did all this other cute stuff. I was nearly about to cry. It was so adorable. If I make it to July 11th, I'll have some photos of her to show to everyone because that's when I go for another ultrasound. I hope I make it until then because I at least wanna know how much she weighs at that point. I wanna know exactly what I'm gonna be pushing out. Know what I'm saying? *giggles* Alright there ya have it. Everything is fine with Arianna and myself as of this time.
Now, for my original update...ha! I was just talking to one of my girlfriends from school and she was letting me know what's up and all that other stuff...I told her about my apartment and my daughter I have on the way etc, etc...and then we started talking about how everyone we went to school with and used to hang out with has forgotten about everyone or just turned into a druggie and it was then she notified me that my old really good friend Candace is now selling her body off Myrtle which is like AIDS infested..I just hope she doesn't get anything and just wakes up and realizes that there's more to life then making money by selling your body. I don't understand people today..I really, really don't! They wanna make money but they downgrade themselves to being prostitutes..I just don't get it. And there isn't anyone that can tell me, "they can't find anything better" because that's a bullshit lie and sorry ass excuse! I'm really sorry but if people would just use their brains and try and do something with their lives they succeed at it. I'm honestly happy that she's far away from me as possible because I couldn't stand seeing that. My boyfriends brother lives over that way and Anthony and I go down there once and a while I just hope I don't run into her because there will be a few words said to her. She's not a stupid girl at all. Yeah I'll admit she did some stupid shit in her life but she's really not stupid, she's pretty intelligent. She just never put her mind to it. *Sigh*
Anyways, I'm going to go ahead and end this here because I'm absolutely starving and I have to call my mom to get her recipe for what I'm craving, besides Anthony isn't home at the moment because I let him go ahead and go out and play pool with his friends because one of his close friends is going to jail soon, sooooo he won't be able to see him for awhile. He'll be home soon though, trust that. ;) Well have a good night everyone!

One Love,
~*~Kimberly M.~*
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