(no subject)

Mar 11, 2005 11:13

waitxnxbleed420: what are you doing
OMG its sam gay: nothing
OMG its sam gay: thinking
OMG its sam gay: about you
waitxnxbleed420: what about me?
waitxnxbleed420: :-\
OMG its sam gay: everything about you
waitxnxbleed420: like?
OMG its sam gay: ur laugh
OMG its sam gay: your face
OMG its sam gay: your smile
OMG its sam gay: how greasy ur hair is
waitxnxbleed420: umm right. your starting to freak me out
OMG its sam gay: why?
waitxnxbleed420: your
waitxnxbleed420: weird
OMG its sam gay: i know
OMG its sam gay: :)
OMG its sam gay: is somethinf wrong with that
OMG its sam gay: ??
waitxnxbleed420: nope
OMG its sam gay: good

waitxnxbleed420: hey
OMG its sam gay: hey
waitxnxbleed420: what are you doing.
OMG its sam gay: nothing being bored
OMG its sam gay: and you?
waitxnxbleed420: can you come talk to me?
OMG its sam gay: where?
waitxnxbleed420: i dont know. i just feel really lonely right now i want to talk to someone...
waitxnxbleed420: :-\
OMG its sam gay: u have a girlfriend right?
OMG its sam gay: u shouldnt feel lone;y
OMG its sam gay: ly
waitxnxbleed420: i do.
OMG its sam gay: u come to see me
waitxnxbleed420: wanna meet me somewhere?
OMG its sam gay: u meet me here
OMG its sam gay: you do it ne other time
waitxnxbleed420: ok...
waitxnxbleed420: wanna wait outside? ill be there in like two minutes.
OMG its sam gay: how?
waitxnxbleed420: dereks bike
OMG its sam gay: ok
OMG its sam gay: ill be outside
waitxnxbleed420: k
OMG its sam gay: wait
OMG its sam gay: r u being seruous?
waitxnxbleed420: yes?
waitxnxbleed420: yes.
waitxnxbleed420: i am
waitxnxbleed420: why?
OMG its sam gay: idk
OMG its sam gay: u rarely ever takl to me ne more
waitxnxbleed420: ill talk to you when i get there ok?
OMG its sam gay: ok

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