Well life in OC is pretty chill most of the time...
....until a street art opening comes around!
I ended up at Subject Matter last night for the Collabro opening (the premise behind the show was that selected street artist were chosen and paired to work on a collaborative piece(s) together.) instead of going to the second run theater in Huntington beach to check out Silent Hill. I figured I'd rather enjoy booze, the company of fine ladies, graff/street art nerds music and art rather than spend more time and money alone at a film for a game I don't have time to play...
I ran into ryan and his girlfriend as I was exiting the show and throwing up stickers. I met ryan in Oct. at our mutual friend's birfday party in Placentia. We continued to talk about spots and politics. Ryan informed of me of his main political concern of the moment the NETWORK NEUTRALITY bill (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_neutrality) which throws more friggin power to the cable and telephone companies by allowing them to dictate whose websites we'll have easier access to. I'm glad to know there are artist out there aware of such issues and see their art as medium of informing the public and tool of positive growth and change.
Well I'd say it was nice to take a much needed break from myself once again. And I look forward to collaborating with other artist in the immediate future...