I hate Saturday School...It's ruining my life!!!

Mar 20, 2009 19:56

"Every girl wants a good story"-Lisa May (KROQ)

When I heard Lisa May say "Every girl wants a good story," I immediately agreed. We (Me, Myself and I) enjoy hearing and telling GREAT stories. Whether you know the person or not, it doesn't matter. If it's a good story, we want to hear it and then we want to tell it. When I use the word story, I'm not talking about someone's secrets. Like if  "What's her face" told me she was pregnant, and then I told "So and so" about how "What's her face" got an abortion, and now she's depressed!". That is not a good story.

So what the hell is the point of this journal entry? Well, after listening to Lisa May ramble on, I decided to write down on a piece of scratch paper everything that happened to me this week that would make a great story. Unfortunetly, my life did not provide me with any great story material.

Here's my list, exactly the way it was scribbled down.

Story Topics

-The fat lady passed out during the staff meeting. I laughed, and then stopped because it was unprofessional. The chola called me a dork for laughing. OOOOK. Turns out that lady has low blood pressure. SORRY...

-Pot luck for Veronica, Rose, and the slob's b-day. I brought pasta salad, but only ate jello. Co-workers are cheap. We should just call our pot lucks "Chip parties," That's all anyone ever brings anyway. UGH... I hate everyone. Arthur made deviled eggs. I took one bite of one and told him it was good. It tasted like pickle juice. Turns out, I was right. Pickle juice is the secret ingredient.

- Got invited to Rose's dinner party. I couldn't go because I wanted to watch some shows that tivo recorded for me. Why am I so lazy?
Anoop's hot!

-Direct deposit finally worked. No more bank visits.

My life is full of complaints. HAHA.  Maybe next week I will have better things to scribble down.

Time to go back to studying.

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