Jul 16, 2005 16:56

okay so today was the car wash which was a lot of fun and tiring ughh.. so when i was working the corner with the sign (lol) these mexican guys (i guess they were like gardeners) so anyways they were hollering at me like madd crazy.. i swear they like almost came out of their car and like abducted me..lol.. anyways ummm.. after the car wash i went over to stephanie vega's house (which i'm at right now..) and we went into the pool and ate little cesaers yumm.. jen rhodes also came over do it was coolio for my foolio..lol.. so yeah!! i can't wait til school starts because i get to meet new people and everything is just so new.. i can't WAIT!! i kinda wanna go to band camp but then i dont.. so yeah anyways.. last nite jordan slept over and we went to barnes and nobles and the harry potter fans were there i guess for the new book coming out..lol.. so they had like a party until midnight but i wasn't in it so0o0o whatever.. so we came back home (we were off schedule at the time) and we watched "million dollar baby" it was an awesome movie!!! so yeah.. then after the movie was over we just chilled and talked about how depressed we were over it..lol.. then we went to sleep. and at like 3 in the morning mr. aaron carter called and it scared the shit out of me and i thought it was my alarm clock..lol.. so yeah but this weekend has been fun s0o far maybe i'll do sumthing tonite cuz im bored.. but im with vega rite now so its lots a lots of funnn!! okay zen i g2g much luv you guys!!! bye!!!
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