Nov 12, 2005 10:39
so... heres the story.
i was at lunch yesterday with my friend brittany walsh. we had 1st lunch cuz we had a math test. neither of us have any friends in that lunch... so it was just the 2 of us at the end of a table. at the table behind us was an autistic kid...alex. and a group of popular juniors. so chris geer (i wasnt planning on saying his name, but hes such a jerk he deserves it) (did i spell his last name right?) anyways, chirs walks up to this table where all the girls and alex are sitting. i hear chirs say "hey alex, do you know what porn is?" all the girls instantly started laughing. alex was just said "no". and chris said "its kindal ike this game you play on the computer. dont tell anyone i told you about it though" and now the girls are like laughing hystericly. and alex was just like "i dont get it whats so funny. i have never heard of that game." so after coming into an incounter with a similar situation a few weeks ago, and not saying anything (which i regret and feel awful about) i wasnt about to just sit there and listen to him taunt him like that. i turned around and looked at chris and said "you need to stop." and he was just like yeah ok w/e. and i was like "no seriously, thats not funny. stop right now." and he pretty much just said w/e and walked away. all the girls like instantly stopped laughing. then i just turned around and was increadibly pissed for the rest of lunch.
after such an sick experiance... its now clear to me how mean and sick some people really are. chris was using alex to impress these girls. and both the girls and chris did something equally as bad. does this chris kid really get sometinhg out of making fun of a kid who doesnt even realize he is being made fun of? does he really get some kind of glory out of having all the girls laugh at alex and completly embarass him? i think those are the kind of people who are going to amount to nothing in life. their happiness is completly dependent on making other people look dumb. if you are going to pick on someone, at least choose someone that can defend themself. and those girls... wow. i am so sick of girls degratingt themseves and just putting on a stupid giggley face all the time. they are cheating themselves out of so much. and they are incouraging this chris kid to do what he did. they are giving him the attention he wanted out of doing that. it only would have taken one of them to say "chris, thats not funny" to make him feel like a jerk. he didnt feel at all bad with me saying it. i just said it for alex's sake. but no... not one of those like 7 girls that were sitting there had enough heart to say something. they were just too worried about this so called "popular" boy liking them. they sacrafise alex...someone who is nice to everyone and doesnt understand whats happening... so that they can have chris's attention for about one minute. "oh chris... look at me! im laughing at your funny joke! please like me... i need you to!" what a fake group of friends.
so.. i know that this is only one of the many cases of this kind of harassment that happens at our school every day... its not even that bad of one. i just want everyone to stop getting "enjoyment" out of putting people down like that. if i had any type of power what so ever to punish that kid... i think i would make him sit down with alexs parents and tell them what he said to him, why he did it, and why it was so funny. just tihnk about it... those kids go home to a family who loves them more thatn anything. a family who is afraid of people like chris making fun of their kid. a family who puts so much time and energy into making their kid have a happy life... and then people like chris jeopardize it by saying a few words and laughing at him. what do you think is going through his mind when you are laughing at him?? how do you think he feels? he is a human being and he has feelings! he is for sure 10 times better a person than chris will EVER be. i really hope that chris got what he was looking for out of alex...and i really hope he feels like the bggest ass in the world when he goes home and thinks about it... or when he grows up and has a kid of his own who gets made fun of at school. i hope he realizes all the damage he has done in the 4 years of highschool and i hope it is the biggest mistake of his life. he is living happily by making other people sad. good for him and everyone else who lives that way. i hope its worth it.