Hope (4/?)

Aug 25, 2009 17:35

Title: Hope (4/?)
Fandom, Pairing: Torchwood, Jack/Ianto + other canon pairings
Rating: PG (for now ;D)
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Disclaimer: Not mine. If they were... well series 3 would have been very different
Warnings: Spoilers for all series's i think. Especially Children Of Earth.
Short Summary: a young girl, a long way from home, could be the answer to everything. If only they had the strength to hope.
Notes: Again, sorry for the hidiously short post :3 Just seemed like a good place to stop *hides*


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


“Here we go,” Chris pulled himself out of the SUV where Torchwood Three had been hiding from the mercies of the Welsh weather, brushing biscuit crumbs off his coat, “Should be arriving any moment now,” He wandered a little way into the field, eyes flickering from the little monitor in his hands to squinting up through the rain, “Somewhere over there,” He waved vaguely over to the left.

“How much time have we got?” Martha called, clutching onto Gwen as the mud threatened to pull her under.

“Seconds,” Chris murmured, pulling binoculars, alien binoculars obviously, out of his bag, “If it wasn’t for the bloody clouds, we’d be able to see it coming.”

Gwen pulled out her gun, her eye brows knitted together in worry. She hated not knowing what to expect. Especially being one man down. Of course, when you work for Torchwood, there’s never going to be a good time to go on your honey moon, and Gwen had banned anyone from calling Louis while she was on hers; a decision she rather regretted now, “Wha-”

“Look!” Chris cried, cutting Gwen off, “I think I see it,” He took the binoculars away from his eyes and peered up searchingly at the night sky. He pointed upwards, “There. That speck of light. It matches up with the coordinates of the ship,” He frowned, glancing at his tracker again, “That’s weird, it says the ship’s still above the clouds. We shouldn’t be able to see it…”

“What does that mean?” Martha asked, squinting up at the rapidly expanding speck of light.

“Not sure. It’s most likely that an increase in speed has caused the entrance into our atmosphere to affect the ship more drastically and so we can see the ship, even through the clouds,” He glanced down at his co-workers, “Effectively, what we’re seeing is the atmosphere destroying the ship before it even arrives.”

The women gasped, gazing up at the ship, “What can we do?” Martha half whispered.

“Nothing,” Chris sighed, “Nothing at all. Just hope that it arrives in more or less one piece,” He gazed up at the ship again, the light almost too bright now, “That’s all it comes down to in the end. Hope.”


Critisism / hate mail / fan mail  -  welcome xx
Part 5 Here

fanfic, torchwood, series 4, hope, jack/ianto

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