Hope (3/?)

Aug 19, 2009 11:25

Title: Hope (3/?)
Fandom, Pairing: Torchwood, Jack/Ianto + other canon pairings
Rating: PG (for now ;D)
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Disclaimer: Not mine. If they were... well series 3 would have been very different
Warnings: Spoilers for all series's i think. Especially Children Of Earth.
Short Summary: a young girl, a long way from home, could be the answer to everything. If only they had the strength to hope.
Notes:Okay, sorry for the shortness of my chapters. Honestly, they get longer lol. xx But i just had to post today, it's Ianto's Birthday!!


Part 1

Part 2


She looks awful. She can’t be getting enough sleep. Martha sighed. I just wish there was something I could do. Anything, She tucked her hair behind her ears and sneaked a quick glance at her team-mate.

Really, it was out of pity for Gwen that Martha joined Torchwood. She was sitting in her flat, missing Jack, and suddenly it twigged with her that if she was missing Jack, it had to be a million times worse for Gwen. She was alone, completely alone. Martha had to do something about it. She’d quit her job at Unit and hunted around for Gwen’s phone number.

“You alright?” She asked, taking in Gwen’s tight features, grey looking skin and dull eyes.

“I’m fine,” She flashed Martha a quick smile that didn’t reach her eyes, “Honestly,” She focused again on the winding road.

Yeah right.

An uncomfortable silence filled the SUV. Chris shifted uncomfortably on the backseat.

We’ve worked together for a year now, and we still aren’t a proper team, Martha sighed, We need you Jack. We really do.

It had been worse in the beginning; Gwen would hardly talk to them. She barely even spoke to Rhys. It had gotten slightly better, Martha had noticed, when Gwen gave birth. The pregnancy hormones hadn’t been doing anyone any favours.

“We’d better hurry up. This says the first ship will arrive in about twenty minutes,” Chris leaned forward from the backseat, peering through the windscreen and the heavy rain, “There!” He pointed down a rather beaten old track.

Gwen turned the SUV obediently down the winding country lane. The estimated landing site was a field at the end of the long track, empty and neglected, with hedges overgrown with brambles and thistles littering the grass.

“Ten minutes,” Chris informed them, slamming the door of the SUV and squinting up through the rain, “Bloody welsh weather; you can’t see a freaking thing.” The girls followed after him, huddling up against the rain and bitterly cold wind. He was tall and well built for someone of his age; Martha and Gwen were grateful for his warmth.

Martha, always prepared, produced a flask of tea - not coffee, never coffee - seemingly from nowhere and they stood, ankle deep in mud, sipping from plastic cups.

“Nothing left to do now but wait,” Martha sighed, gazing up at the sky and shivering against the freezing wind, “How big is this thing anyway, hadn’t we better get out of the way?”

Chris shook his head, eyes still trained on the device in his hands, “It’s only small, barely even a ship really. And this thing says it’s going to land down the other end of this field. Even at the speed it’s currently travelling at, there’s no way it’s going to do us any harm… I think.”


Part 4 Here

fanfic, series 4, gwen cooper, torchwood, captain jack harkness, janto, ianto jones, hope, jack/ianto

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