Jul 20, 2004 00:59
01. Name: Linda
02. Birthday: 11-05
03. Birth state: New York
04. Birth town: Brooklyn bebe
05. Hospital: are u tryin to track me down?
06. Age: 14..
07. Sex: female
08. Six words to describe you: umm.. funny, loud, tall, crazy ..wow.. this isnt as i thought lets make 4
09. Weight at birth: like 7 lbs??
10. Weight now: fattt
11. Time of birth: 6:23 PM
12. Height: 6'1" woahh.. im a foot taller than meghan
13. Eye color: brown
14. Tan/pale/black/mixed: black
15. Race: read abovee or is haitian my race?..no thats the next questionn shh im black
16. Heritage: 80% haitian ndd 20% cuban
17. Hair color: brownish reddish black.. if that makes sense
18. Natural hair color: black?
19. Kind of hair: normally its chemically straight.. but now its curly nd long
20. Hair length: top of my bra strap..mhmm its comin back
21. Shoe size: big.
22. Shirt size: large
23. Bra size: oh my.. if i must.. 38B
24. Piercings: same since i was bornn
25. Tattoos: none
26. School: St. A'ss whatwhat..i def have too much spirit
27. Grade school: holy family..
28. Class of: 2007
29. Sports played now: dance is sportt!! ndd soon vball?
30. Sports played in the past: same as above.
31. Pets:i once had a fish
Do you normally (more often than not):
01. Ask or answer questions? answer hmm actually i dunno
02. Bathe in the morning or at night? u said bathe haha
03. Converse or participate in awkward silence? convesrse.. i can't take awkward silences
04. Talk or listen? both
05. Dress up or dress down? dress down
06. Stay up late or get to bed early? stay up late
07. Get what you want or get what you deserve? i dunno
08. Get attention or give your attention? get attention??
09. Stand out or blend in? stand out..im 6'1
10. Give a hand or give hand outs? give a hand
11. Listen to music or watch TV? depends
12. Win or lose? winn
13. Plan or follow-through? follow through cas i don plan much
14. Smile or cry? smile
15. Get up early enough to see the sunrise? no its summer.. but for a while durin school.. i'd be waitin for my bus nd sun wouldnt be out yet..yah i kno crazy
16. Use books or Internet for research? internet
17. Sing it or hum it? SING IT!..especially if im in class
18. Style your hair or just whatever? dependss
19. Call or get called? get called.. by my mom too muchh
20. Visit or have people over? bothh
21. Eat or skip breakfast? eat.. skippin is bad for uu damnitt
22. Make a meal or go out for one? make a mealll wee
23. Drive or get driven? get driven.. but man oh man i wanna drive.. ahaha
24. Do what you had planned? don think so
25. Attend or skip class/work? i don skip.. im "at the nurse":)
26. Act like yourself or act appropriately? u don no me to well.. act like urself
27. Laugh or get laughed at? bothh
28. Indulge or abstain? indulge
29. Help others or help yourself? dependss
30. Eat what's good for you or eat what tastes good? both, i try nd eat good alot though..
31. Turn it up or just get closer? i dont get it
32. Start it or finish it? finish it
33. Stay bored or get things done? sleep
34. Apologize or be stubborn? be stubborn..im a scorpio
35. Tell them you have a crush on them or hope they figure it out? hope they figured it out.. but i do leave some hintss
36. Pay for yourself or get paid for? pay for myself
37. Lean in first or wait for them to make a move? not unless i'm hornyy ;-)
38. Get rejected or never ask? never ask ..:-((
39. Hope it happens or make it happen? make it happen
40. Try your hardest or hard enough?hmm
41. Work it out or put up with what you got? work it out
42. Talk it through or ignore it as much as you can? a lil both
43. Know or think? know!
44. Trust or suspect? againn..it dependss
DO YOU. . . ?
01. Pluck your eyebrows?: i just get em waxed sexi sexi
02. Ever cut or hurt yourself on purpose?: noo
03. Use icq, aol buddy list, etc.?: AIM
04. Drink enough water?: alott
05. Wear shoes in the house or take them off?: take them off..nd then i get forced to put on "slippers"
06. Eat wheat bread or white?: white
07. Kiss on the first date?:sure why not
08. Dream in color or black and white?: color?
09. Have any dimples?: nope
10. Remember being born?: whoo doess
11. Drink alcohol? im a fiend
12. Like high school? mostly
13. Like sunrises or sunsets the most?: sunsets
14. Want to live to be 100?: why not
15. Think women should be expected to shave their body hair? yess.. but i heard some haitian girls dont because bein hairy is not only a way to look like a bear.. but of strength
16. Like salty food or sugary food the most?: sugarrr
17. Think a flat stomach important?: definitly..i want one
18. Think you are tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: ofcourse
19. Believe in magic?: that was the song for that show
20. Have nightmares frequently?: ahhh
21. Like your nose?: suure
22. Like abstract art?: i guess so
23. Think you can draw well?: nope
24. Listen to music daily?: yes
25. Like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: hmm.. i dunno
26. Write poetry?: i used to
27. Snore when you sleep?: so ive been told
28. Sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: sides
29. Think balding men should shave their heads?: yeah
30. Know anyone who is clinically depressed?: maybe
31. Know someone who has cancer?: yes
32. Like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?: checkers
33. Have a middle name? what is it?: mhm..patricia
01. Are You Straight or Gay? straight
02. Ever been kissed? yes
03. Kissed someone of the same sex? i don think so
04. French kissed? yes..
05. Held hands? sure
06. Hugged someone? ofcoursee
07. Had sexual fantasies? guilty.
08. Had gay/lesbian fantasies? no sir
09. Have you ever fingered someone? ahh i never have or never will stick finger up a guys ass..
10. Has anyone ever fingered you? shh
11. Have you ever given oral sex? shhh
12. Have you ever received oral sex? nope
13. Would you give oral sex in a random hook-up? hmm if i did.. i would prolly blame it on alcohol
14. Spit or swallow? swallow..spitting is rude
15. What would be ultimate fantasy place to have sex? i was gunna say beach.. but then someone told me about sand gettin in the wayy.. so i pick shower
16. Have you screwed someone of the opposite sex? im a virginn.
17. Have you screwed someone of the same sex? no!
18. Screwed something not of the human race? yah sure i just happed a camell.. NOOO
19. Screwed something not alive? thats dirty
20. Paid someone for sex? no
21. Been paid for sex? i shall not exploit myself
22. Girls, have you ever been pregnant? im pretty sure sex has to occur for that one.
23. Guys, your girl ever been pregnant?
24. Have you ever had sex with a stranger? cantt u read
25. If not, do you want to? why does it feel good??
26. Which one are you more afraid of getting, AIDS or pregnant? aids.
27. Do you believe in waiting until marriage to have sex? its a nice idea.. but i dunno if i can handle it
28. Have you ever had a crush on a friend's boy/girlfriend? nope
29. Have you ever done anything with a friend's bf/gf? nope
30. Do you joke about sex a lot? yess because im like that
31. Can you relate anything to sex? yep.. im swimmin in the gutter
32. Is there someone you're longing to be with right now? hehe no
33. What about masturbating, do you do it? no.
34. Ever been caught masturbating?readd
35. Ever been caught doing something sexual with someone? hahaha no..but wouldnt that be funny
36. Ever walked in on your parents having sex? dasdasgt54r
37. Does someone's reputation have an effect on your answer if they asked you out? haha i dunno maybe
01. Smoked a cigarette: mmhm
02. Smoked a cigar: nope
03. Snorted coke: noo
04. Smoked weed: no but pattie has done enough for my whole family
05. Been high: ON LIFE
06. Had sex: nope
07. Said "I hope you die" to someone: no thats bad
08. Tried to kill yourself: ahh no
09. Gotten in a fist fight: nope
10. Lied to your parents: its a part of life
11. Broken a bone: my leg i think
12. Lied to your friends: yeah
13. Bit someone: does that make u horny??
14. Bungee jumped: noo
15. Been skydiving: is it fun?
16. Gotten drunk: no just typsy
17. Gotten totally wasted: no because no one would buy me enough alcohol
18. Given someone a bruise: by accident
19. Skinny-dipped: dont believe so
20. Driven illegally: nope
21. Ditched someone: prolly
22. Freak danced: its the only way
23. Shoplifted: shh
24. Cut yourself: nope
25. Skipped school: haha
26. Hung up on someone: no i loose service
27. Gone commando: wtf is that
28. Thrown up at school: nope i don even pee in school
29. Made yourself throw up: yes
30. Flashed someone: sure
31. Done anything sexual with/for opposite sex for beads: beads? im not old enough to go to mardi gras
32. Had a burping contest: no but i can burp loudd.. haha
33. Snuck out: i have an alarm my mom makes it pretty hard
34. Been to a school dance: mhmm
35. Thought your teacher was hot: ohh yahh mr. winus u turn me onn.. just kiddin
36. Had an eating disorder: haha no but i did go diet crazy wit pilates
37. Masturbated: u really want me to say yes dont you haha
38. Had an online relationship: no.. i don wanna be a guest on ricki lake
39. Had cyber sex: hahaa yahh in 5th grade.. lol
40. Taken nude pictures of yourself: haha nooo
41. Had surgery: nope
42. Seen a therapist: no
43. Farted loud and people heard: ahahaha..i dunno why thats so funny
44. Burped louder than a guy: i never tried
45. Done a split: im so closee my whole dance class knows itt
46. Been on a cheerleading team: yess for: 3 yrs
47. Played spin the bottle: sure
48: Grinded: yeah baby
01. Do you stuff your bra? no im good
02. Have you ever stuffed your bra? no i back than i was a tomboy
03. What make-up do you wear daily? only if im goin outt.. i don like wake up shower nd put on make for my couch
04. What are your underwear like right now? tomorrows laundry day soo granny pantiess :-D
05. How many pairs of shoes do you own? not many
06. Come on, tell the truth. Is that really your true hair color? haha yess but im gunna dye it soon
07. What do you most like about your body? umm not much.. maybe my eyes
08. And least? my thighs are fat
09. How many fillings do you have? nonee
10. Do you think you're good looking? not really
11. Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking? haha i donno but i was look at makeup in the mall nd the clinique lady told me i was pretty :-)
12. Do you look like any celebrities? shaq
13. Do you like a man with muscles or not? yes
14. Tall or short men? mostly all are short.. but i don like it
15. Does your dream guy have long or short hair? short
16. What's the hair situation 'down there'? i make it an 'L' hahah.. wouldnt that be crazy.. some ppl do that
17. How long is your leg hair? i dunno
18. Ever come close to having sex, but didn't? haha yeah
19. With who? my neighbor when i was like 7
20. If so, why didn't you? i had clothes on.
21. Are your eyebrows a different color from your hair? no
22. Do you pluck your eyebrows? i def already answered this
23. When did you last have a hickey, and where? if i did u cant see it
24. Are you on birth control? nope
25. Can you dance? yess but i must say not as good as bianca nd collette.. they sure can break-it-down hahaha
26. Can you lick your nipple? are u doin that so i can try it
27. Do you struggle with self-esteem?maybe
38. Do you or have you ever had an eating disorder? nope
29. When was your first period? 7th grade?
30. If you unexpectedly got pregnant, what would you do? i dunno
31. Future daughters/sons names? christa/jason
32. Are you pro-choice? hmm
33. Do your underwear and bras usually match? nope
01. Any good memories from this year? yahh st. a'ss was the altimite poo.. haha did i spell that wrong
02. Any bad memories from this year? hmm
03. Do you regret anything from this year? maybe
04. Do you regret anything you've ever done? sure
05. Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? hmm
06. Did you ever had braces? shuttupp i still do
07. What is your best childhood memory? cousins comin for the summer
08. Do you have the same friends you did when you were seven and under? seven was ..2nd grade? i have no idea
09. What was your favorite childhood toy? my american girl dolls
10. What was your favorite cartoon when you were four? sesame streeet that show is the poo
11. What was your favorite movie as a child? i have no idea
12. Did you ever suck your thumb? i dont think i did haha
13. What color hair did you have as a kid? the same one
14. What was your first word? i dunno
15. How did your parents name you? i dunno but linda was my original name
16. What does your name mean? "Pretty" in spanish
01. Current Music: usherrr<3333333
02. Current CD in player: its empty
03. Current conversations: bianca haha i don talk to alota ppl
04. Current time: 12:54
05. Current clothes: jeans nd a white halter top
06. Current hair: half up half up down curly
07. Current taste: not good
08. Current mood: bored
09. Current smell: u kno u just made me smell myself.. haha thats funny
10. Current thing you should be doing: running to get ready for vball
11. Current desktop picture: a car.. patricks making
12. Current favorite group: ??
13. Current book: i should be reading but im not
14. Current refreshment: none im thirsty though
15. Current worry: getting fatter
16. Current crush:nahh