Prop H8 Debate

Oct 21, 2008 23:25

[My Aunt Kathy's email in response to a "No on 8 Ad I sent her:
Okay, are you ready for this........just remember you sent the email first.................

Marriage is meant for man and woman .....period! You need to open your eyes to the bible and remember who created you and what He wills for you. God created Adam and then he created Eve for Adam so that they could be fruitful and fill the earth with their offspring. We wouldn't be here today if God created Adam and Evan. HAHAHA! ;)

Life is not always about fairness and what you want or what Jane wants or whoever. Do you consider, at all, where your faith plays a role in any of your decision making? God is supposed to be center of your life. Is he? Put God first and all other issues are irrelevent. You spent so much of your life learning about your faith, have you not put any of it into practice?!?!?!

I had to tell my young children about homosexuality before they were ready because of this Prop. 8 and all the vandalism done to many of the signs we see. It pisses me off beyond what words can express that I have to explain SEX to my kids because there are fricken same sex people out there flaunting there sexual preference! Keep it in private, these issues are private!!!!!!!!!! Damn the TV, damn the radio, damn the media, damn this seculare society!

Having sexual relations with someone of the same sex defies natural order. How will a baby ever come to be? OH, but wait......babies aren't even part of their grand scheme of things............self-centered, self fullfillment bullshit!
Be gay, that's fine, but don't push that stupid crap about equality and marriage. Next thing you know, someone will complain about equality because they can't marry their dog or their cousin, or whatever. When will it stop? When will people realize that not everything is fair. Heaven forbid anyone sacrifice for the good of another!

This country, particularly, California is so far from God that I'm sure Satan can't wait to see which state is next. We must do what is right not what feels good! This applies to food, sleep, sex, alcohol, shopping, ect.

If you are gay or anyone you know is, they are living a life of tremendous judgement and ridicule and discrimination. Guess who else suffered this way? This pain, injustice and discrimination they feel could be offered for the sake of Christ's passion.

Maybe God is calling gay people to a life of chastity, prayer, self sacrifice, charity, ect. Could you imagine the peace in the world if sex was used as God love and to create life......not solely for pleasure. I look forward to hearing your response. Please don't take it this as a personal attack but being a catholic christian woman, wife, mother and friend....I must stand up for this.

For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Amen

Your PMSing,
Tia Kafalina
[My response:]

Dear Kafalina,

Thank you for your opinion. I was more than sure that you would be responding to my email, which was actually a response to Tavo's text message earlier today. As a Catholic, gay male living in a world with so much animosity toward what is different than the norm, I feel I should give my point of view on this matter.

Marriage is technically a legal contract that gives rights to couples in the states. As of now, same-sex marriage IS legal, so who are you to take away someone's rights that already exist? I may not be as religious as you, but I am fully aware of who created me, and He did so perfectly, the way He wanted, just as He did with Adam and Eve. Do you think God makes mistakes, Kathy? If you don't, you shouldn't say He made a mistake in creating me, and the rest of my gay community. If you believe homosexuality is a choice, you couldn't be more wrong, as I AM living proof that homosexuality is NOT a choice. In any case, bringing the subject of Adam and Eve isn't applicable to the subject of HUMAN RIGHTS (a.k.a., rights that are included in marriages).

You say to "keep issues private," yet are you aware that when same-sex marriage passed the only reason it became a big deal as a proposition now is because the straight community was unhappy with gay Californians having the same rights. Frankly, it was people with the "traditional" mentality you are defending that caused an uproar when it was decided in a court that same-sex marriage was constitutional. You are directly contradicting yourself when you say to "keep things private" like sexuality but you're damning secular society when religion is a private practice. At the birth of this country, there was a separation of church and state so that things could be kept private. Why would you now choose to conveniently make religion PUBLIC to influence your opinion (and attempt to influence others) while all the while saying to "keep things private"?

Life isn't always about fairness, yes, but in today's world, it certainly is a priority, and as human beings we all have a duty to ensure equality for all. If it wasn't for fairness, do you think you would have the same life you have now as you currently know it? With your husband, children, home, RELIGION, etc.? It is because this country has the 1st Amendment that you have the freedom to even practice the religion you're using to counter my beliefs. I can't even begin to tell you how fairness has made life for, not just you, but everyone, at whatever level of comfort it is at.

As far as rights go with humans marrying animals, I highly doubt it will happen. Firstly, at the center of this massive prop 8 debate is HUMAN rights, which doesn't include dogs. (They wouldn't be able to sign a marriage license anyway!) Marrying cousins is somewhat more relevant, only because they are human; however, the health of future offspring of interbreeding family would be mentally, physically, and emotionally defective; therefore, this would not be something society would push for. "Heaven forbid anyone sacrifice for the good of another!" I'll have that philosophy when it's your rights on the line, not mine.

I do not take your email as a personal attack, so please do not take mine as such either. Living around people like myself, I see discrimination, ridicule, and narrow-mindedness all around like never before. If you don't agree with same-sex marriages/homosexuality, then I would be satisfied with your abstaining from voting to take away my rights.

You have said what you wanted to say, and I have said what I wanted to say, and I highly doubt two people such as you and I will not be able to effectively make the other have a change of heart on these matters, so I respect your opinion while simultaneously seeing where you are coming from. My only hope is that you do the same now that we've had an equal chance to explain ourselves.

Hoping everything is well in your neck of the woods...!


I'm happy.

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