I was feeling dorky the other day when I was working in the kiosk, so instead of watching the HP DVD like I said I would, I made an excel graph representing the number of livejournal updates per month for 2006 and 2007. Below is a picture I took of the graph using my laptop's feature since I couldn't convert the file into an appropriate format for photobucket.
It's interesting to me because there is an obvious decline in the number of updates for 2007 from beginning to end. From looking @ the 2006 line, I can see that my livejournal experienced an overall increase in updates as the year progressed. My proposed reason for this is because I was living @ home last year I had a lot of time on my hands. This year, I moved out in September and was a combination of too busy having fun, and too lazy. :)
That is all!
Happy Christmas Eve!!