story time!

Feb 12, 2005 20:39

So there was this little red car sitting in the used car parking lot waiting to be bought.....

And there was this little blonde haired girl named jenny who was looking to get married...

The next thing ya no jenny bought the car of her dreams!

 Before you no it all of jennys dreams are coming tru because her bf just asked her to be his wife...and soon enough they were planing a wedding! But then there was this little bitch who has been after her man so she...

Kicked HEr ASS!

But then Mr. REd power Ranger jumped in and said STOP THE VIOHHHHLENCE!

 The next thing u no THe bitch and the red power ranger ran off together running over jenny with her own high-dral-ick car!

 THanks to the hero of the day all bitchyness has stoped!

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