Name: Rachel
Age: 16
Sex: womanish type
Birthdate: January 2nd
Location: tied up in a closet of my best friend's mind
10 Bands
- Zed
- The Verdict
- Goo Goo Dolls
- Steriogram
- Flogging Molly
- Postal Service
- The Arcade Fire
- The Who
- Greatful Dead
- Led Zepplin
5 Books
- Count of Monte Cristo
- Phantom of The Opera
- Bejing Doll
- The Great and Terrible Beauty
- Wicked
5 songs, why?
- Slide: Goo Goo Dolls, it has a lot of sentimental value to me. So much so that a very close friend of mine knows that I'll do absolutely anything for him if he plays that song for me on his guitar.
- Save Tonight: Although it was the only good song that Eagle Eye Cherry wrote, it reminds me a lot of Romeo and Juliet.
- Your Somebody: it was a song written for me.
- Hard To Find Her: Zed, one of the first songs that introduced me to NZ rock.
-Bohemian Rhapsody: 1)Queen just kicks 2)My friends and I made up a dance to it and it's way too hott not to love!
5 Movies
- Princess Bride
- Pulp Fiction
- Vanity Fair
- Interview With A Vampire
- Movies made with friends when we're bored!
Color? blue
Lyric? " It's me and the moon she says, And I've got no trouble with that, And I am a butterfly, And you won't let me die, It's me and the moon she says..."
Food? chocolate
Degrassi. Eh, I like my RFR a lot better!
The Government. It's not perfect, but then again, no government is because humans control it. I enjoy debating it although, debate geek here!!
War. Inevitable, peacekeeping only lasts for so long.
Abortion. Personally, I would never abort my child, no matter what. But I'm not every woman, it is her choice.
Homosexuality. Why should I tell someone who they can love?
even or odd: even
sunset or sunrise: sunset, the stars come out, a great time for contemplation, love, and many other things.
vanilla or chocolate: chocolate, mmmmmmm
morning or night: Night, the moon and the stars are my handmaidens. Night is beautiful, it's like a blanket of soft, black velvet. It's mysterious and romantic.
dogs or cats: cats, thoughtful, almost like royalty, and cute!!
sweet or sour: sweet
old or new: old, vintage is the way to go!
blind or deaf: blind, music is my soul!
ocean or forest: forest
More stuff?
:: Answer did would or would not::
pet a snake? did
spend a week in an empty room? would
sky dive? really, really would!
walk through the forest alone at night? did
Walk naked through New York City for 10 minutes during Rush Hour? haha, maybe would, with the right people of course!
why do you think you should be accepted?Because I am a loser, I'm in 10_my_loseness as it is. I'm a theater/debate/litature/history loser! I volunteer at a museum for fun and I've read 15 books in 2 weeks. I think I qualify!
Most embarassing moment? When I was making an exit off stage and ended up falling baxkwards down the stairs on the side of stage. I found myself sprawled on the ground, with the whole football team pointing and laughing at me.
Funniest Moment? umm, probably when I was an MC for the school talent show.
Promote to at least two communities and tell us where. < I'm mod there At least 3 pictures.
I'm in the green, my best friend is in the black. This is from the school play.
After a debate tournment with one of my coaches!
A random pic of a fan I got from France when a friend was visiting family.
Reb and me just being dorks when out with the cast.
Thats the end!!!