highlights and low lights of homecoming 2004. <3
highlighs most def. 1st !!!
feeling like cinderella. :)
going out to eat at ponderosa.
not having to pay for anything. hah.
dancing with everyone (esp. people i didn't even know. hah. <3)
ok time for low lighs. : (
eating way to much.
going blind from flash
getting into a huge fight with brad.
only slow dancing with him once.
but overall i have to say it was alot of fun. :) then afterwards me and brad just went back to my house and chilled til like 12.30. not too interesting but hey it's something. then sunday brad and sam came over and we watched football allllll day. :) ahhh haha. wait no, correction, they fought all day, while I watched football. <3
ok, ok. time to see how much fun homecoming really was
football game from friday. :)
gr, this pic messed up. but it got a lil crazy at Liz's afterwards. we call this one the "before" pic. hah.
and this the "after" one....
aw <3
i didn't want pics outside. toooooo windy. oh well. cutecute!
all of our sexy men :-*
ow ow ladies. <3
the whole gang !!
ahh gotta love johnny :)
thats my bitch. <3 no one can have her !!
bffffff <3~*
awww !!
and the best pose award goes to me, ashleigh and courtney. :)
jen is IN a dress. i will save this picture forever!
anyone who thinks they should go out already, say I! I!
aww how cute.
wooo kristyn and trey.
even though their not "together" they are still cute!
wish he had his eyes fully open....still verrrry cute though. ow ow gina!
go megan :)
erik is so awesome. i miss our bus rides. :(
me and my brother. ahhh! i love my brother. hes the best brother i've eve had. well hes the only one, but still. :) <3
i felt like showing everyone brad in his mcdonalds uniform. thats what he gets for beating up sam. haha. :)
ps ! that was the day afterwards.