Name: Alison
Age: 21
Sexuatlity: Straight
Location: Windsor Locks, Connecticut
Meaning of your LJ user name: People say I look so innocent but tell me I'm not.
♥Likes and Dislikes♥
Turn Ons - neck kisses, good sense of humor, dimplesj... rarrr.
Turn Offs - bad hygene, gross hair, bad breath
Favorite band(s) - Metallica, Dream Theater, The Gathering, Liv Kristine, Eminem, System Of A Down, Evanessance, Otep... Theres a bunch.
Least favorite band(s) - Cradle of Filth. UGH. Stab me in the eye. If they didnt try so hard to be evil it wouldnt be so bad.
The song you can't get enough of - Strange Machines (The Gathering). I just love the way the chicks voice sounds and the music... I love to sing along with it all loud.
The song that is completly over played - "La La" (Ashlee Simpson). Although I cant say much as it's my ringer on my cell when my husband calls me. Maybe thats why I think it's overplayed. *shrug*
Favorite movies - The Ring, The Craft, Anger Management, Monty Python And The Holy Grail (yeah I'm a dork), A Walk To Remember, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation...
Favorite colour - Light blue
Favorite food - Manicotti
Favorite outfit (picture if possible) - This shirt, my friend bought it for me...
Flare jeans, black leather shoes.
Favorite activity - going to local band concerts, i know a lot of them around here.
Favorite famous hot chick - Jessica Simpson. She's funny, and shes naturally pretty, even without makeup. She's even pretty when she's sick. thats not fair. lol.
♥Opinions On♥
Suicide - Thats dumb and selfish. Killing yourself will only cause immense problems for those who care about you. It wont solve a damn thing.
War - Thats dumb too. "Cant we all just get along?" Growing up my mom always told me to "play nice". Why cant everyone else follow those guidelines?
Racism - Again, thats dumb. "Oh, I dont like that person because their skin is a different color". Blah. Stupid.
Censorship - Whatever happened to free speach? If I dont wanna hear something or see something, I wont listen to it or watch it. It's that simple.
Life - I used to think it sucked. But now I realise that everything happens for a reason and it will all work out fine in the end if you stick it out and try your best.
Drugs - It's an expensive and very temporary way to forget about your problems. Your problems will still be waiting for you when you sober up.
Porn - I dont care about it much. I just dont want my husband looking at it (which he doesnt). Because then I'd feel like my body wasnt good enough and that he needs to look at other chicks to make him happy. I wouldnt like that.
Plastic surgery - Everyone is fine the way they are. I dont think people should get it unless they were severely disfigured in an accident or have a horrible birth defect or something.
Yourself - I think I could do better with my life. But I've come far. I've had an anxiety disorder for a while now, but I've gotten it pretty much under control. I do what I can for people, try to help everyone out best I can. I'm a good person.
What do you hold close to you and why- My husband, I love him dearly, he helped me overcome a LOT in my life. My kitties because I love them.
What do you think of Barbie- I loved barbies when I was little. And I never once wished I looked like her or tried to starve myself to be as skinny as her.
What would you define your self as- I wouldnt really label myself... I'm my own person. I just... Am. There's no definition really.
What is your biggest fear- Losing my husband. Dying at an early age before i can start a family.
Who do you look up to- My grandpa. He died a few years ago, but he was the most loving, patient, honest man I have ever met.
Where did you hear of this- I saw that it was a sister community of _insideandout.
Why should we accept you- I will promote, I'm frienly and wont verbally slam anyone for no reason, I dont spam. I'm not an uber cunt.
Promote us and send me the link-
http://www.livejournal.com/community/shameless_plugs/661402.html Kate Beckinsale, Angelina Jolie, or Jenna Jameson?- Angelina Jolie.
(3 or more picture and if possible 1 body shot)
Me attempting sexiness... lol
These are the only ones I have since I got my hair cut recently... All my old pictures dont look like me anymore.