Sep 11, 2007 23:27
OMG,TODAY WAS CRAZY! Im so tired right now.I offically have the job at Cafe Choclate and im getting my Cook's coat soon and im excited about that.Its so offcial.I got to work with the amazing Jordan Hand today and it was awesoem cus she is an aamazing worker and i never get to see her or talk to her.we r a good team.I love her to death.While i was working today I got to thinking.Im gunna make some goals for myself to accomplish soon.
#1)Stop spending so much money so i can save up for college in Febuaray.I dont wanna let myself,my family ro any of my friends down by not being able to go to college when i want to cause I cant afford it.
#2)Try to express my feelings more.
#3)Trry and spend more time with Jordan Hand hanging out
#4)Talk to Jamie more.
#5)Spend more time with my family.
#6)Spend more time with Amber
#7)Work on my relatiosnhip with Brandon and see him more.
#8)Work faster at Cafe .