Aug 22, 2007 12:09
Why do people make it a pattern to come back into my lives and make me happy then walk out.This summer was fully of ex/guy I used to be involved with.Brandon is back in town for good but im not sure what to do with that one.Tony was the best one he made me happy and left but it was ok becuase he didnt do me wrong and he left on good terms.Sam I hate and wish he would go missing.Tony said "and y u mess wit the same niggas?" thats actually true.I need soembody new.But wait when I did try soembody new he still threw a cough cough Roderick cough and the other Sabarro guy.Maybe he just wants me to stay single my whole that it?god.idk,I do need diversity in my life but if its not meant to happen then why do they keep coming back?
Maybe iM just too good,lol.j/k