character relations - in progress (last updated 06/17)

Jun 17, 2010 10:40

UNI ❝bellaflora❞ spoke to her on his arrival. she didn't make fun of him or link him to pictures of bunnies. seems all right.

ANYA ❝lostmalenkaya❞ she remembers him from before, but he doesn't remember her. it was confusing; there's more to it than meets the eye.

HANATAROU ❝handle_gently❞ thanks for the bunny guide, bro. (still, that went better than most conversations zuko has with people. somehow.)

INO ❝blondejoke❞ as always, a frustrating conversation with someone who tells him to cheer up, relax, and have some tea. he likes those best.

RIKU ❝keytodawn❞ riku is a cool bro. fights heartless and doesn't afraid of anything. hopefully he can be a true bro soon...

APOLLO ❝godtellsnolies❞ this dude who giggles like a girl apparently thinks he is the god of the sun or something. (zuko doesn't think apollo likes him very much.

KALLEN ❝guren_mk2❞ someone else who remembers him from "before." (he does feel bad about that.) also, she doesn't know what a turtleduck is.

KUNO KODACHI ❝blackrosesword❞ not really sure what to make of her just yet. that sure was an...interesting conversation they had, though.

LAVI ❝ihasahammer❞ having an unexpectedly deep conversation with this guy. maybe because he smiles so much. he's just easy to talk to.

VANILLE ❝brightsiding❞ the first girl he's talked to in atia about the whole collar business. so she's a part of the most awkward moment of his entire awkward life.

HARU ❝featofclay22❞ finally someone who knows him but has an actual reason to. there's something to be said for that familiarity.

JET ❝laogai❞ some earth kingdom crazy who's supposed to be dead and tried to kill him once. this is going to be weird.

ROXAS ❝emokeys❞ another unexpectedly... nice conversation. that doesn't happen to zuko all that often, so he should probably be pretty grateful for it.

CHARACTER NAME ❝" style="text-decoration:none">JOURNAL you put some text here and some more text hear and some more text here goddamn.


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