Nov 30, 2007 02:27
Science takes as much belief as religion, doesn't it?
I often sit and ponder some of the deeper scientific truths. For instance, think back to you most recent Chemistry class. As most are aware, everything is made up of millions upon millions of teeny tiny atoms. A strand of hair is about 10 million atoms wide, so they're small, right? Each one of those atoms is a nucleus, which is very small, compared to the size of the entire atom. Imagine a pinhead compared to the dome of St. Paul's cathedral in London. Small. Then there are all those electron (e-) things. Remember back, the protons and neutrons (in the nucleus) each have a mass of 1, while e- has a mass so tiny that its often calculated as 0 in comparison. So, there's a lot of empty space, isn't there? In fact, in what we think of as a solid object, there is a million billion times more empty space than 'stuff.'
So put you hand on your desk, or your heart, and think about that. Believe it?