"He's that guy from that show where they did those things"

Aug 28, 2006 22:52

I caught the first episode of "Oz" at a friend's house yesterday. Man, it's packed with actors that are now making a name for themselves. Michael and Eko are there from LOST. Johnny from Rescue Me is there, as is Carmella and Janice Soprano from that HBO show. The guy who played Chet on the Weird Science tv show (also on Desperate Housewives and Wanted) is there as the bitch of J Jonah Jameson from the modern Spider-Man films. I netflixed it, or rather, pushed it higher on my list, since it was there.

Maybe it was the drugs they gave me for pain at the Dr's Office, but I signed up for the trial version of Amazon Prime. With it, I get second day shipping free and next day for $3.99 an item. I ordered "The Party", "The Rocketeer", and "He-Man and She-Ra - A Christmas Special" to start out. The last item wouldn't have made it but for 3.99, I couldn't resist, the part where King Randor pats Prince Adam on the Ass is priceless.

I'm still waiting for them to send me the following

World War Z : An Oral History of the Zombie War
Day by Day Armageddon
The Resistance : Ten Years of Pop Culture That Shook the World

Jigoku - Criterion Collection

this weekend was a Cary Grant marathon on TCM, so I should have enough to tide me over movie wise.

To kill my time even more with no social life, I may be getting a home built computer from a guy at my work. Basically it can play any game made in the last year at full speed, which is something mine hasn't done since 1996, seriously. He's also going to load it with torrented games and give me a monitor for free.

Saturday is the wedding, I have no idea where I'm gonna hang my suit.
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