Nov 09, 2004 12:26
last night sucked. i didn't know people actually said such mean things to other people... especially parents to their kids. apparantly i'm an absolutely horrible person that's incredibly fucked up in the head. thanks dad.
like the fool that i am, i called collin hoping he'd come pick me up and go hang out for awhile so i could cheer up. HA!!! now why would i POSSIBLY think that my "best" friend would do something like that?!?! i MUST be crazy. instead, he told me he had to go to target so "can't you just call somebody else?". i guess next time, i should know better. what's annoying is that if he called me in a situation like that (and i don't have a car) i would WALK my ass to brookfield to try to cheer him up. it's ridiculous, but i'll just keep on trying, and keep on getting hurt.
thank God for sita... who called right then. trying to make myself feel a little better and calm down, i went out with her, her sister, and peter to the starbucks downtown. i'm not even going to get into what happened... but if you know me at all i'm sure you can figure out that it didn't go well considering peter and i were within 1,000 feet of each other and that doesn't ever seem to work out. but i'm a dumbass and keep giving it chances. after everything that happened at home last night, the last thing i needed was peter's comments... so much for another chance, i think i've FINALLY learned my lesson on that one.
like i said before... last night sucked.
now i'm at work and exhausted cause i had nightmares all night so i barely slept. and i'm not really very busy at work today so that makes it worse cause i'm just trying to find something to do.
i need a nap. :-/