Okay,this is pathetic, kids. Only five of you have replied to a post I made three days ago. If you really want this community to stay up, read
Okay, there's going to be a few changes around here.
Okay children, killthedrama && skittlehead have decided to leave the community and hand the job of being the mod over to me.
I just want to get everything straightened out here.
First of all, if you still want to be in the community, you need to comment on this entry within the next week. If not, you will be taken off the member's accepted list.
Next, I'm changing the rule that you have to have our banner in your userinfo. I repeat, you DO NOT need to put our banner in your userinfo.
Finally, I'm just asking nicely that when you comment on this entry, you just give a link to once place that you promoted us. I mean, this place is starting to die. So help out the community a little and promote. I just ask for one place. It's not asking too much.
Oh, and fucking POST! Post pictures, thoughts, new bands you're fond of, local bands, sites you think pertain to what's going on in this community, local shows, WHATEVER! Just post once in a while guys. I'd also like to have a weekly theme in here, but I'll get that figured out once things get into gear again.
<3Christina, your new mod.
and do what it says. There's only a few days left before I cut the people who haven't commented.
piinktarantulasfacetothefloor taintedbloodxxlushx__paulinaiselite Are in so far. Promote guys? It's not that hard. Ask your friends. Ask whoever. I'm about to auto accept the next three applicants because this is getting ridiculous.