Jul 15, 2005 16:39
As many of you know who simply browse and paruse my silly litte vent space here know... my posts are usually long and rambling... I say fuck a lot... i rarely use capital letters... and i have a pretty extensive vocabulary.
That last one i will help you all with... today i am posting some of the words that i use on a marginally regular basis that you would likely need to look up on your own in order to understand what i was trying to say, or to get the full meaning out of any of my lynguistic acrobatics that i occasionally preform. Here are some words (in no particular order.) that i like and their meanings:
philomath \FIL-uh-math\, noun:
1. A lover of learning; a scholar.
commination \kom-uh-NAY-shuhn\, noun:
1. A denunciation.
2. A threat of punishment
voluble \VOL-yuh-buhl\, adjective:
1. Characterized by a ready flow of speech.
2. Easily rolling or turning; rotating.
3. (Botany) Having the power or habit of turning or twining.
ineluctable \in-ih-LUCK-tuh-buhl\, adjective:
1. Impossible to avoid or evade; inevitable.
irascible \ih-RASS-uh-buhl\, adjective:
1. Prone to anger; easily provoked to anger; hot-tempered.
exigent \EK-suh-juhnt\, adjective:
1. Requiring immediate aid or action; pressing; critical.
2. Requiring much effort or expense; demanding; exacting.
gravitas \GRAV-uh-tahs\, noun:
1. High seriousness (as in a person's bearing or in the treatment of a subject).
quorum \KWOR-uhm\, noun:
1. Such a number of the officers or members of any body as is legally competent to transact business.
2. A select group.
altercation \awl-tuhr-KAY-shuhn\, noun:
1. A heated, noisy, or angry dispute; noisy controversy or argument.
naif \nah-EEF; ny-\,
1. adjective: Naive.
2. noun: A naive or inexperienced person.
antiquarian \an-tuh-KWAIR-ee-uhn\, noun:
1. One who collects, studies, or deals in objects or relics from the past.
peradventure \puhr-uhd-VEN-chuhr; pehr-\,
1. adverb:[Archaic] Possibly; perhaps.
2. noun: Chance, uncertainty, or doubt.
blandishment \BLAN-dish-muhnt\, noun:
1. Speech or action that flatters and tends to coax, entice, or persuade; allurement -- often used in the plural.
hermitage \HUHR-muh-tij\, noun:
1. The habitation of a hermit or group of hermits.
2. A monastery or abbey.
3. A secluded residence; a retreat; a hideaway.
4. [Capitalized] A palace in St. Petersburg, now an art museum.
manumit \man-yuh-MIT\, transitive verb:
1. To free from slavery or servitude.
ingenuous \in-JEN-yoo-uhs\, adjective:
1. Demonstrating childlike simplicity; innocent; naive.
2. Free from reserve, restraint, or guile; open; frank.
3. [Obsolete] Noble; honorable.
durance \DUR-uhn(t)s; DYUR-\, noun:
1. Imprisonment; confinement or restraint by or as if by force
(usually used in the phrase "durance vile").
2. [Archaic] Endurance.
glutinous \GLOOT-nuhs\, adjective:
1. Of the nature of glue; resembling glue; sticky.
betimes \bih-TYMZ\, adverb:
1. Early; in good time; before it is late.
2. At times; on occasion.
3. [Archaic] Soon; in a short time.
countenance \KOWN-tuh-nuhn(t)s\, noun:
1. Appearance or expression of the face; look; aspect.
2. The face; the features.
3. An approving or encouraging look or expression.
4. Favor, good will, support; encouragement.
5. [Obsolete] Bearing; demeanor.
transitive verb:
1. To approve; to support; to encourage.
2. To tolerate or allow.
unfledged \uhn-FLEJD\, adjective:
1. Lacking the feathers necessary for flight.
2. Not fully developed; immature.
Well... there you go... a little something to let you all in on some of the jokes... in my attempt to make myself and this journal user friendly and approachable. Yay.
Eat it up snacktrays... a little learnin' never hurt nobody.