20 more

Jun 04, 2004 20:21

here are 20 more reasons... please feel free to take this information and post it in your journal, i think that there are things that everyone should know... so please... the more people who share this the better.

20 MORE reasons to hate Bush Jr.

21.Bush Jr. is the first president in U.S. history to enter office with a criminal record.

22. Bush Jr. has set the all-time record for the most people worldwide to simultaneously protest a leader (10 million people), shattering the record for protests against any person in the history of mankind.

23. he slashed funding to the violence against women act.

24. he has invaded and occupied two countries at the continuing cost of one billion dollars per week.

25. he appointed charles pickering, a notorious segregationist from Mississippi, as a federal judge and suspiciously did so on Martin Luther King Day.

26. Bush has spent over 100 billion on Iraq, leaving states to face the largest budget crisis in decades and forced to cut off public services; now with the federal deficit at a new high Bush Jr. wants to award more tax breaks to the wealthy.

27. under new bush legislation (the clear skies initiative), power plants are allowed to emit triple the amount of highly-toxic mercury into the environment.

28. bush jr. failed to protect 3 million acres of the tongass national forest from logging. The tongass has the highest concentration of bald eagles on earth and has already lost 700 square miles to logging with 33 more logging permits pending. Not even the sanctity of our endangered national bird can compete with bush campaign contributions provided by the forest industry.

29. he is on pace to have taken more vacation than any president in history. Including a 28-day vacation right before 9/11. Bush Jr. has taken 6 months of vacation in total… do you know anyone that gets 6 months of vacation?

30. he pulled out of the Kyoto agreement on global warming, which had been agreed upon by 178 other countries.

31. bush jr. is endorsed by fundamentalist pat Robertson who claims that God told him bush will win re-election and that “it doesn’t make a difference what Bush does God is blessing him”. Bush keeps some great company, but keep in mind that Robertson was also the nitwit that blamed the 9/11 attacks on gays and suggested that we “nuke” the U.S. State Department.

32. he set the record for the most executions by any governor in American history. 152 in total; some of whom were mentally disabled.

33. has repeatedly stonewalled the public investigation into 9/11.

34. bush jr. declined to fully fund the AIDS initiative after promising to do so. The final cuts that resulted where over $2 billion.

35. he still suggests that homosexuals are “sinners” and is pushing legislation that would forbid gay partnerships and deny fundamental civil rights on a national and local level.

36. choked on a pretzel and nearly lost his life while seated in front of a T.V.

37. bush jr. has gone to great lengths to prevent investigations of his friends at Enron and Halliburton. More time and money was spent investigating the Monica Lewinsky affair than has been spent investigating one of the biggest corporate rip-offs in history.

38. bush jr. has set the record for the fewest amount of press conferences by a president since the advent of television.

39. responsible for a 521 billion dollar budget deficit- less than 4 years after inheriting a 200 billion dollar surplus.

40. he has made repeated attempts to legalize oil drilling in the national wildlife reserve.
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