Feb 16, 2005 23:04
I really hate:
- how people get the attitude that they're better than me.
- how people act too cool to acknowledge me.
- how everyone labels me.
- how I can't find my favorite anti anti seven inch.
- how everything seems to be slowly falling apart.
- how I like a boy.. a lot.. who doesn't like me.
- how I've lost all hope in getting to California.
- how stressed out I've become lately.
- how withdrawn I've become.
- how I act horribly around other people.
- how I seem to fall for jerks.
- how I feel like I'm letting everyone down.
- how much I need a break.
- how left behind is breaking up. :-[
- how I need a new job, and noone seems to want to hire me.
- how I want to fix everything.. but cant seem to fix anything.
- how badly I need money
- how I've been thinking far too much lately.
- how I've put out so much energy lately, and it all seems to be in vain.
- how I can't stop thinking about ignoring things.
- how I haven't cried this much in so long.
and how the work I've been burying myself in is done.. or almost done.
And once its done, I won't have anything left to use as my excuse to ignore everything.
I really need a fucking hug.
and I'm sorry if I have let you down lately.. I really don't mean to. I apologize.. a lot.