Massive picture post!!!!
november 6th at the phoenixville y.
long shot hero
toothless george.
the motherfucking bedrockers.
look! its jens foot and my purse! hahaha
ed's elbow got on the wayyyyyy
I like the way the majority of those turned out.
god I missed them so bad.
I sent them to george.. I hope he uses some of them.
and.. well.. kat.
that picture just cant be explained.
I have to clear space in my photobucket account to upload pictures of the rest of you.
but Oh man, I adore my friends... Well.. the majority of you.
some of you are really pissing me off lately. Especially one of you.
which brings me to rant.
I really don’t understand you. We're supposed to be friends.. but you confuse the hell out of me.
I hate feeling like I have to watch what I say around you, because you could spin things to turn people against me at the drop of a hat.
I’m sick of fighting for our friendship.
I’m aware of the fact that I don’t have one goddamn punk rock bone in my body, and I’m sorry if I’m not “punk” enough to be your friend. ::rolls eyes:: God forbid you’re friends with anyone that’s not a trashy slutty crusty gross cunt rag skank. I’m not "punk", oh well SUCK IT UP. if you’ve got such a problem with it, I really don't understand why you bothered talking to me in the first place.
I’m just so fucking sick of fighting to be your friend.. fighting to hang out with you.. and then getting blown off.
I’m sick of thinking about the good times we've had.. when in reality, they weren’t that great.
shows with you really aren't as good as they are with Jen, and Bridget, and Kat numero uno.
our excitement when we see each other after not seeing each other for weeks.. is nowhere near as awesome as Kat numero dos. or the other three.
all our talks.. our jokes.. our rants.. every fucking thing.. they don’t mean shit.
our friendship can't TOUCH.... no, forget that.. it can't even come near how awesome Jen, Bridget, Kat numero uno and Kat numero dos are.
ours is one of the friendships I really regret. There are quite a few that I regret sometimes.. because they’ve effected me horribly. but ours isn’t like that. All the ones I regret have made me a stronger person, because I got through them.. and I came out on top.
But you.. you’re not like that.
You haven’t made me a stronger person. You’ve made me weaker. You’ve broken me down.
I honestly just don’t like you now. I don’t respect you half as much as I used to.
and I honestly regret giving you half the respect I did.. because I feel like it fed into your goddamn ego.
I’m starting to think everyone else is right.... you are overrated. and you are EVERYTHING you claim to be against. You’re trendy. you can’t make up your fucking mind. You’re just plain horrible. You’re a fucking hypocrite. You have no dedication. You have no drive. You have no future. You have no guts. NONE.
I thought I was finally fucking rid of you.. then we started talking again. and we were civil.
and I put EVERYTHING behind me..
I forgot about you blowing me off. I forgot about you dropping me and forgetting me.
I forgot about you not being able to keep your fucking mouth shut.
I forgot about you making fun of my best friend.. even though it killed me to.. because you had me convinced that you were the only person who wouldn’t judge me.. who wouldn’t hate me.. who was open to who I was.
In reality, you have judged me the most. and I hate knowing that I opened myself up to that.. TWICE.
it makes me feel like a fucking moron.
But no.. I’m not the moron. You are. You’re not worth half the time I dedicate towards you.
Fuck.. I just wasted five minutes ranting about you. I WANT MY GODDAMN FIVE MINUTES BACK.
I want back every ounce of energy wasted on you, or with you. I want back all the promises..
I want back all the conversations we had, where I cried, thinking you cared. Where I was comfortable opening up to you, and told you shit that only Jen knows about.
I want back my life.
I’m sick of you stealing everything important away from me.
I want it all back.
I’m fucking done with you.
Love <3,
anne marie.
wow that felt good.
enjoy the pictures children.
<3 am!
Ps- Bridget.. The play or a show?