(no subject)

Apr 12, 2005 20:32


Some of you may be aware of a friend of mine. He goes by the name of dave.

This is not your regular HOT SAUCE, this actually quite a serious undertaking. It comes with a warning about keeping it away from skin and eyes.

How hot is it, you ask…well about 4 years ago we had a chilli night. All of us brought some “hot sauces”. One by one we worked our way through the bottles, one drop of sauce, one piece of feta and one cracker. Sadly none of the other “hot sauces” really cut the mustard (excuse then pun). So by the time we got to Daves Insanity Sauce, I was slightly annoyed at the false advertising and loaded up a cracker with a good teaspoon of this sauce…

*scene deleted*

What happened next is hazy, needless to say this one was the real McCoy.

Since then Dave has become a regular party favourite. I wait until someone boasts about loving hot food, and how they can never taste chilli. I then proceed to offer them about 1um of this stuff and…then sit back and watch their face melt.

Why am I telling you this?????

I’m glad you asked???

Tonight our new housemate made dinner…

Tonight our new housemate found my bottle…

Tonight my housemate put in TWO “Dollop’s”

“tell my parents I love them….um..ZEPPELIN RULES”

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