Aug 17, 2004 07:18
Thiw weekend I went to my grandmothers house in tenn. and can u say kill me. actually it wasnt that bad...just the shopping part which is never fun with ur mother and grandmother. its like double murder suicide. But i did get some pretty awesome clothes out of the adventure which is always awesome. i also got a stuffed dog which i named Ldkatbehanry Gleeson The great Bambino I. haha lauren! wow we were goin crazy. I would tell u what it means but u can just ponder. Whats tha dealio no one leaves comments anymore! ya'll are making me angry. Anyway school yesterday was cool. I saw andrew and talked to him for like a millasecond b4 mary and all my others friends came up and he doesnt like them and its mutual. But it was still fun. and then we had colorguard which was awful cause jeff made us stay outside! grr!